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More Grizzlies Than Ever Before?

As a resident of northwestern Wyoming I hear it all the time, “Man, I saw bears everywhere I hunted!” “There was more grizzly sign than elk sign in that unit.” “There is NO way there’s only 700 bears in the GYE!”  It’s the same old song every year. Residents of …

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Maybe This Time? – Grizzly Delisting

Man! I hope this happens this time. This 20-year dance of proving the recovery of grizzlies in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE) needs to see these critters delisted from the overreaching Endangered Species Act (ESA). “It was on Sept. 16 that Gov. Mark Gordon and Wyoming Game and Fish Department …

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Rockstars vs. Grizzlies

When I use the word “rockstar” I don’t think of grizzly bears. In fact, that is the last thing I think of. But if we step back to yesteryear when hair bands ruled the airwaves and their wild partying was the stuff of legends maybe “rockstar” is the appropriate title …

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Another Grizzly Attack!

Stop Moving The Recovery Goalposts! It seems that grizzly bear attacks and altercations are rampant this year. Recently another group of hunters in Wyoming shot and killed a charging boar grizzly while they were elk hunting. In Montana a small group of hunters have killed a sow with no cubs …

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Montana Wolf Management Update

The Montana Wildlife Commission has adopted several new rules and regulations pertaining to the management of the most controversial apex predator in the state, the grey wolf. After a long debate and much opposition to the new regulations by pro-wolf advocacy groups, it was passed in a vote of 3-2 …

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Montana Grizzly Rips Woman From Tent

65-year-old Leah Davis Lokan, a registered nurse from Chico, California was ripped from her tent and killed by a grizzly bear earlier this week in Ovando, Montana. The bear had awakened Lokan and others earlier in the night and returned later when it killed her. Fellow campers rushed to her …

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Bears vs. Humans: Who’s The Real Problem?

Yes, I’m actually posing that question. Who is the real problem, us or the bears?  The reason I ask this question is due to the ongoing hazing efforts aimed at bear 863 or “Felicia” as her fans call her on Wyoming’s Togwotee Pass section of Highway 26/287. USFWS wildlife officials …

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Grizzly Bear Capture to Begin

The Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team (IGBST) has begun its grizzly bear population study in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. The IGBST consists of The USGS, the National Park Service, US Fish and Wildlife Service, US Forest Service, Wyoming Game and Fish, Montana FWP, Idaho Fish and Game and Wind River …

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Just A Matter Of Time: CO Wolf Breeding

“The analysis determined that F1084 had been mislabeled and is in fact a female gray wolf.”  A pair of wolves in Jackson County, Colorado exhibiting signs of denning behavior have thrown CPW biologists for a loop as one of the pair was thought to be male. CPW biologists worked with …

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Grizzly Bears Migrating East!

Last week a 450 pound male grizzly bear was euthanized by the USDA after it was confirmed that it killed a beef cow in the Big Snowy Mountains south of Lewistown. That’s right, Lewistown! This is way outside the current home range of Grizzly bears in Montana. The Snowy Mountains …

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