Home / Elk / The Gutless Method: Removing the Tenderloins

The Gutless Method: Removing the Tenderloins

Meat field care is incredibly important. Using the gutless method to remove the tenderloins is a great way to preserve the flavor of some of the choicest meat from a big game trophy!

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  1. Looks like a good way. Have you ever tried to cut the spine in front of the pelvis and behind the shoulder and you can fold that spine up and cut the tenderloin out with out having to get that close to the stomach. I seen the guide we had in NWT do this to a carribou. I don’t know which is better or easier, it’s what ever works best for you

  2. Maybe I’m missing something here, but why is it that one would think it any easier to do this with the gut sack still in? Simple to me is just to remove the gut sack first & not have to dig in there constantly moving the gut sack around so you can carve out the loins. Besides it’s not like your going to pack any of it out with the guts still in is it??

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