Home / Gear / The Best Glass Money Can Buy! – Spotting Scope Review

The Best Glass Money Can Buy! – Spotting Scope Review

In this review Eastmans’ Staffers Dan Pickar and Todd Helms compare five popular spotting scopes for western big game hunting. The guys break down what to look for in a scope and offer advice on how to pick your perfect spotter.

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  1. Sorry guy is, but I think you really missed the boat on this one. Wandering randomly from scope to scope without making specific comments comparing each one is very confusing and makes it very difficult to tell which scopes have which characteristics. Or which scopes you would prefer to carry and why. Finally, why no Swarovski scope? Any comparison of high quality glass without including the what many consider to be the most respected name in optics is incomplete at best.

  2. This review is pretty much worthless. At no time did you say what models you are reviewing, much less clearly identify the glass.

  3. I agree with Vann. What models? Each manufacturer makes different models. Also are each zoomed to max power? Would you do another video or article mentioning the models at least?

  4. That was the dumbest review I’ve ever seen, so at the the end of the the video titled best glass money can buy, we know nothing more after viewing than prior to viewing……,, total fail

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