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NOW AVAILABLE EHJ & EBJ Digital: And we’re not talkin’ online PDFs…

Now you can get Eastmans’ Hunting Journal (EHJ) and Eastmans’ Bowhunting Journal (EBJ) online and mobile with our NEW Eastmans’ Digital Editions. Try it now at www.eastmansehj-digital.com!

It’s Simple! 

Digital editions are available “pre-press” on your computer and mobile device. Flip through the pages and browse headlines, photos and ads just as you would with our print edition.

These editions are identical to our print copy and contain all the great feature stories, Members Research Section (MRS), Advanced Tips & Tactics, Hard-Core Field Tests, Western Gear Reviews and more that you’ve come to expect from Eastmans’.

It’s Convenient! 

Read Eastmans’ on your schedule—at home, at work, or when you are in the field. The digital edition is ready when you are!

It’s Powerful! 

Looking for something in particular? Search the current issue or several past editions. Keyword searches give you the power to research any topic by species, area, type of gear or anything else you’re looking for!

No More Waiting! 

Are you a print subscriber and tired of waiting on the Post Office to only find out they have ripped or destroyed your journal? Imagine the time savings—available up to three weeks early. With Eastmans’ Digital Edition there’s no more waiting for delivery. You get the same great look and feel of our print edition, available pre-press directly to your computer or mobile device.

To Subscribe:

Order your EHJ, EBJ or Combo membership now at www.eastmans.com/shop/digital

Purchase directly from Eastmans’ to earn exclusive Eastmans’ member privileges such as special introductory pricing, a FREE hunt drawing entry with each membership and Eastmans’ Member-Only special offers as they become available.

*Exclusive Eastmans’ member-only discounts and privileges are not available with subscriptions purchased from app stores.

Instant Access! 

Upon purchase you’ll receive an instant email with a link to read your first issue. The link will take you to your digital copy, which you can read using any common web browser on your computer or mobile device.

To experience the enhanced mobile device access, download the FREE Eastmans’ EHJ and EBJ apps from your app store—Apple, Google Play, or Amazon.

And, new issues will be automatically sent to you!

About Scott Reekers

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