Join Ike Eastman in southern Colorado for his antelope hunt that goes down to the last minute of shooting of light!
Choices, Choices, Choices-Picking The Right Scope
Hilleberg Kaitum 2
Mountain House Meals Review
Join Ike Eastman in southern Colorado for his antelope hunt that goes down to the last minute of shooting of light!
Choices, Choices, Choices-Picking The Right Scope
Hilleberg Kaitum 2
Mountain House Meals Review
Tags antelope backpack hunting Big Bull Elk Eastmans Forum Eastmans' Bowhunting Journals Eastmans' Hunting Journal Eastmans' Hunting Journals Eastmans' Hunting TV EBJ EHJ Elk Featured Ike America Pronghorn Antelope
Recently the Wyoming Game and Fish Department released an update on their annual observational flights...
As you know from past columns Washington is a battleground state for hunting rights...
Nice pronghorn. I noted that both you and Guy hunt in southern Colorado, yet the Members research data does not suggest any southern game units for pronghorn.
What unit do you suggest for a southern Colorado pronghorn hunt? (I have 11 preference points.)
Mike Thomas
Mike, your best bet would be to contact the author of the colorado MRS for his choices.