Home / Brian Clintworth

Brian Clintworth

Washington State Hunting Under Attack Again

Your State Will Be Next!  This Friday, February 17th, Lorna Smith, a new commissioner to the WDFW, will present a radical new model of game management in Washington state. Past readers of this blog recall that in 2022 the WDFW commission canceled the annual spring bear hunt in Washington, claiming …

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Washington State Spring Bear Final Update

This past weekend the Commission that is responsible for approving all hunting seasons in Washington voted 5-4 in favor of NOT having a spring bear season this year.  This is despite the WDFW’s own scientists backing the hunt.  This decision (and the reasons behind it) have significant ramifications for hunting …

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Washington State Predator Update

  This past winter the predator impact on ungulate populations in the state of Washington has been front and center.  This blog will give you a couple of updates on what is going on and how you might be able to get involved.   After much pressure from sportsmen, in late …

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