Home / General / 2020 Hunting Season Update – Alaska COVID Restrictions

2020 Hunting Season Update – Alaska COVID Restrictions

With the fall quickly approaching, it is imperative that we all keep informed of state and federal regulation changes, especially during a weird year like 2020 with COVID-19 changing most of our lives in some way.

A friend of mine recently postponed his much anticipated Alaska moose trip for this fall due to Alaska’s regulations on those entering their state.  The charter service sent them a letter with this in it:

Do yourself a favor and check in on the states you are planning to hunt this fall.  2020 has been a weird year, to say the least.  Don’t let it ruin your hunting plans and your favorite time of year.  

Get prepared. Stay prepared. Hunt hard!

About Brandon Mason

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One comment


    Just went on a 2 week trip, get tested a few days before you leave and you’ll be fine.

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