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The Start of a New Year

Well, since I had a few minutes of spare time, I figured I’d sit down and update you all on things around the office. Show season is definitely in full swing and the team is constantly on the move. Guy is busing traveling to the shows and giving his lecture, while the advertising team and I meet with sponsors, both new and old, at the trade shows. We just got back from the ATA show and what an experience that was. Year after year, I’m amazed with just how much product is available within the archery industry. Nate, Brandon and I had a great time meeting with old friends and making plenty of new ones. I think Nate is still recovering from all the new goodies he got to play with. I’m really excited to see some of the relationships that we built with new sponsors unfold into a long-lasting relationship.

Today, we’re off to the SHOT Show in Las Vegas – enough said. I’m sure the world’s largest outdoor industry trade show will hold up to it’s reputation again this year. From there, Guy and I are off to Sacramento, CA to join the guys at the Eastmans’ booth at the ISE show. Guy will giving his lecture again, so make sure if you can, stop by and check it out.

Until next time my friends…


About Ike Eastman

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Ike Eastman is the President of Eastmans’ Publishing and oversees the daily operations of Eastmans’ Hunting TV, Eastmans’ Hunting and Bowhunting Journals, Eastmans’ Live Events including the Trophy Deer Tour, films in the fall and is hands-on in all facets of the company. Ike’s hunting knowledge and expertise has been shaped by more than 25 years of pursuing trophy big game across most of North America.

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