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The Outdoors Fuels The Economy


So, you want economic development? Have you thought of investing in the outdoors? Well, many have and the rest of us are reaping the benefits according to a new report. 

“The data backs it up. Investing in conservation creates jobs, propels our economy forward from the past year, and strengthens habitat,” said Whit Fosburgh, president and CEO of the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership in this article put out in TRCP’s recent e-newsletter.

Fosburgh went on to iterate, “We can build more resilient communities…and create hunting and fishing opportunities for more Americans.”

The amount of money that sportsmen and women put into the economy is staggering and is often overlooked. Add to this the growing initiatives in conservation credits (including water credits, sage grouse credits, wetland/stream credits, etc.) and the millions of dollars put into conservation by businesses in our economy, and it would blow your mind.

Click here to read the full report and see for yourself. Something to think about.

About Brandon Mason

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