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The Best Mule Deer Hunting Book Ever Written.

Hot Topics - Mike EastmanIf you purchased my book Hunting High County Mule Deer and liked it, then you need to get the next generation mule deer hunting book. David not only tells where to find trophy bucks but also goes further by braking down state-by-state trophy areas. The reader is also let in on little know deer movements and behavior during the fall. The backpacking section is worth the price of the book alone. I will guarantee you the hard-core Mule Deer hunter will also pick up tips, techniques and trophy hunting information. I will be editing a companion 60-minute DVD that goes along with the book. In this special edition DVD David gives the readers information on equipment, glassing techniques and strategies for hunting a smart buck and much more. Plus you will go along with David on a D-I-Y solo high country hunt for a trophy-class buck.

This book is a class act and all the photo’s, including the live mule deer have been taken on public land. It follows his commitment of hunting and harvesting trophy mule deer only on public land. Oh, and it’s not a book by a wannabe trying to become a hunting authority. David Long has taken several B&C quality mule deer on public land. He has paid his dues as a hard-core mule deer hunter and in my book is at the top. I predict this will be a classic on mule deer hunting, and you can take that to the bank!

WATER PROOF FIELD JOURNALS: Here is an e-mail by David Cullen who got my book and wanted more information on journals and where to get one. I believe using a journal to keep information of your hunt is one of the most effective ways to help you harvest a bull or buck on public land. If you read my response, I gave him the website where you can get these great journals. The best part is that the paper is waterproof. Also this website sells special pencils that will write even in a downpour or snowstorm. The military use them and I have several. They’re great! So check it out.

Subject: Re: Where to buy field journal supplies?

Thanks for the kind words and I hope you enjoy the mule deer book. You can get the field journals by going to their website at www.riteintherain.com. The company has several different waterproof Journals to choose from. Good luck hunting and if you take a trophy, please send a story. Thanks again. Mike Eastman

Thank you for the prompt response. Now that I know how the procedure
Works, I will most definitely send in my story. I hope to put some of your techniques to practice this upcoming hunting season. I have read numerous books on elk hunting and many of them follow a similar format however your book offers all that and more. I will especially benefit from the section on photography. My harvest photographs always seem to lack something. This became obvious to me after reading your tips on the subject. I have been using bad set-up positions. What a difference the set-up makes.
I received my Eastman’s Hunting Journal today. From first glance it looks like a good one.
Thanks again, David Cullen

About Mike Eastman

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