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Stop the Auction of Elk and Pronghorn Habitat!

Stop the Auction of Elk and Pronghorn Habitat!

*This article is directly from the recent TRCP newsletter

The future of 640 acres of valuable wildlife habitat and stunning views of Grand Teton National Park and the Bridger Teton National Forest is at stake. To meet its fiduciary duty to generate revenue for education, the Wyoming Office of State Lands and Investments has proposed to dispose of the Kelly Parcel via public auction, which would all but certainly lead to its privatization. 

We believe a better solution exists that would be a win for Wyomingites, wildlife, and the American public. The Kelly parcel is the last of several State Trust parcels located within the boundary of Grand Teton National Park. Selling the parcel to the Park Service would ensure that OSLI generates revenue for education, while conserving outstanding wildlife values and public access, including the continuation of cow elk hunting via the elk reduction program. 

Please consider attending one of the upcoming meetings listed below and encourage OSLI to reconsider their proposal.  

Kelly Parcel Public Meetings 

Monday, November 6th, 5:30pm 
Laramie County Library, Willow Room (1st floor) 
2200 Pioneer Avenue 
Cheyenne, WY 82001 

Thursday, November 9th, 5:30pm 
Teton County Library (Auditorium) 
125 Virginian Lane 
Jackson, WY 83001 

Thursday, November 16th, 5:30pm 
Thyra Thomson State Office Building (Round House Room) 
444 W. Collins Drive 
Casper, WY 82601 

Tuesday, November 28th, 5:30pm 
Wyoming Game and Fish Department Cody Field Office (Cody Field Office Public Meeting Room) 
2 Tilden Trail 
Cody, WY 82414 

If you are unable to attend a public hearing, please use our easy tool to submit comments directly HERE.

We have provided talking points at the bottom of this email. 

Please let me know if you are planning to attend!  


Josh Metten

Wyoming Field Representative
Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership

Kelly Parcel Talking Points 

  • A better solution exists for the Kelly parcel. Selling the parcel to the Park Service would ensure that OSLI generates revenue for education, while conserving outstanding wildlife values and public access, including the continuation of cow elk hunting via the elk reduction program. 
  • The iconic, 100-mile long “Path of the Pronghorn” migration route passes through the parcel.  
  • Thousands of elk migrate across, and winter on the parcel, crossing paths with moose, bighorn sheep, and bison. 
  • Privatization of the parcel would likely eliminate valuable hunting opportunities and degrade habitat. 
  • Adding this parcel to Grand Teton National Park is the best long-term strategy for generating revenue for public education, conserving habitat, and maintaining the scenic values of this iconic landscape. 
  • Request that steps be taken to ensure hunting of other species, such as bison and whitetail deer, continue after this parcel is conveyed to the Park Service.    

The Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership is a non-partisan 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that does not support, endorse, or oppose any candidate or political party.

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