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Grizzlies Out in Force in Montana

Grizzlies Out in Force in Montana

By Dan Pickar

A 72 year old man shot and killed a sow grizzly with his handgun when he was out picking huckleberries off the road in the north fork of the Flathead in Montana on Thursday. He was treated at the local hospital for wounds that weren’t disclosed. FWP stated that the killing was justified. 

On the same day, a second grizzly bear was fatally shot near the town of Gardiner for its extensive record of breaking into homes and other structures for many weeks. The had been trapped and relocated several times in the past and had just broken into a home when FWP officials shot it. It happened to be in the Yellowstone River at the time so it made for a difficult retrieval. 

FWP stated that as grizzly populations become more dense and widespread people need to be extra careful when living and recreating in grizzly country. Storing bear attractant appropriately and having personal protection is essential!

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