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Federal Government Supports Wyoming Big Game Migration

While there are alarming concerns over unnecessary human development in core winter range areas like I reported in this blog (click here), there are also wins to celebrate in the fight to protect key migration corridors for big game in Wyoming (click here).

The Wyoming governor, Mark Gordon, and USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack signed a new Wyoming Wildlife Habitat memorandum of understanding. “This agreement will help create new and enhanced opportunities through USDA’s conservation programs to keep working lands working and give farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners new opportunities to conserve wildlife and migration corridors.”

“Private landowners have long provided key habitat for wildlife across Wyoming. Offering voluntary funding opportunities to landowners to maintain this valuable space for wildlife is a recognition of their role in conservation.” 

This is another important piece of the puzzle in staving off urbanization by giving landowners another option to keep land intact. 

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