Home / Mule Deer / UNBELIEVABLE wildlife MIGRATION! – The story of Wyoming’s Mule Deer Migration

UNBELIEVABLE wildlife MIGRATION! – The story of Wyoming’s Mule Deer Migration

Migration is vital to the survival of mule deer and other wildlife. Understanding migration paths is a key to conserving mule deer and other wildlife for generations to come. As our landscapes become more developed conservation of migration corridors is becoming more important. This is the story of Wyoming’s mule deer. Ongoing migration research is setting the standard for mule deer conservation across the West.

About Mike Eastman

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  1. Dr. Bill Wilcox

    The best wildlife education video I’ve seen. It weaves together all the key ingredients for the continuation of wildlife populations for all groups of wildlife admirers. Thanks, Dr. Bill Wilcox

  2. What an awesome post! I learned a lot. Thanks for your dedication and the others in the video to wildlife preservation.

  3. Very good, informative video. It would be great if the “reasonable” anti-hunters could see it. Thank you for all the work you guys do.

  4. Great information I wish all hunters would take a look at this. Thank you.

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