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Montana Wolf Season Halted by Courts

A district court judge in Helena has put a halt to the current regulations to a few districts in Montana as of Tuesday. The changes are follows:

According to a release from Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks, the changes outlined in the temporary restraining order are as follows:

  • Reinstitutes wolf management units (WMU) 110, 313, and 316 as they existed in the 2020 wolf regulations. WMU 110 borders Glacier National Park and WMUs 313 and 316 are north of Yellowstone National Park
  • Reinstitutes the quotas for WMU 110, 313, 316 as they existed in the 2020 wolf regulations, which are two wolves in WMU 110 and one wolf each in WMU 313 and 316. Currently, one wolf has been harvested in WMU 313 and no wolves have been harvested in WMU 316 and 110. Wolf hunting and trapping in WMU 313 is now closed.
  • Restricts all hunters and trappers to harvesting five wolves total per person, per season.
  • Prohibits the use of snares as a legal method of take for trapping wolves.

Montana FWP director Hank Worsech is prepared to defend that the department has proven they can manage wolves and the state has a stable population of wolves. The state’s management is based on facts and science and will make legal arguments on November 28th. 

Court order changes Montana wolf hunting season, effective immediately (kbzk.com)

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  1. Another example of blue politic meddling.

  2. They will always find a judge to do their bidding.

  3. I am wondering why the state of New Jersey is not required to maintain a population of wolves..

  4. Beware!! We all need to go back 25 years, when wolf numbers were proposed, approved and implemented. Now the present day reality, wolf numbers out of control, the wolf issue is politicized and the courts are being used by the animal rights/wolf groups.
    Get your foot in the door, then kick it in!!! Total BS

  5. Any hunter who votes Democrat needs to be evaluated by an entire team of psychologists! Wolves are the anti-hunters answer to making HUNTERS EXTINCT.

  6. Wolves need all of the protection help that they can get!!! If I could, I’d gladly set at the tree lines and shoot down the helicopters that are actively helping hunt them! I love hunting as much as others do, but being a Native American (and knowing for a fact how few of them remain today), as well as the fact that wolves are my Totem, I am thoroughly against their slaughter. Hunt coyotes if you must, but not wolves.

    • Gladly shoot people? Only you know for a fact? You are a radical greeny, not a reasonable person. Your totem is a wolf…good for you, hoe about everybody else? If my totem is a cochroach, should there be a moratorium on them?

    • C. T. I am related to Native Americans and can certainly see the connection to wolves. But, these are Canadian Wolves that were hastily introduced in the lower 48 to replace the timber wolves. Timber wolves did co-exist with out elk, deer, moose herds. These Canadian wolves do not. The devastate the ungulate populations, it has been proven in several states, including Idaho where I live. In many units in Idaho, archery elk hunting was thriving in the early 90’s as were the elk herds. Wolves changed that drastically. They do not just kill for food. They enjoy killing elk and it is very easy. We find slaughtered elk on the winter ranges with females with a little bit of the uterus eaten, a bit of the hind quarter chewed. Some of them freeze in the water and are found frozen to death, slightly wounded. These Canadian wolves were NOT here in Idaho before they were illegally planted and took off like wild fire. I respect wolves and in their natural environments I am fine with them. On the tundras up north running and feeding on caribou worked. When the caribou heards start to get too depleted, the wolves are managed. But down here in the lower 48, mainly north west (Idaho, Montana, Wyoming), the wolves have decimated our elk herds and without some intervention by allowing wolves to be harvested, the elk which in the early 90’s had higher numbers than in all of history, would be nearly extinct by now. I believe in a balance as well. But it this scenario, there is no balance if Canadian wolves are left without population control.

  7. It’s time to reject and replace these so called judges who fall for the misinformed groups who bring these ridiculous lawsuits against the western states. More than likely these people come from big city life and don’t have a clue about the devastating results these non native Canadian wolf’s are having on the western states wildlife and ranching operations. These idiotic lawsuits cost thousands and thousands of taxpayer and sportsmanship dollars every year.
    If it wasn’t for the sportman using controlled management of our wild resources there wouldn’t be any wildlife for these out of staters to come and view. All you have to do is view the Yellowstone National Park service to see these people trying to pet a buffalo or get there picture to close to a bull elk to understand how ridiculous and uniformed these people are!

  8. Since wolves are so limited and not a problem we need to demand that the Government re-introduce them into every urban area of the USA. They will have plenty to eat and places to hide. Yeah….I know..dumbass idea just like the Judge changing the rules. Just follow the money to the crooked people.

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