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Eastmans Firepit: Artificial Intelligence Stopping Poachers?


Using artificial intelligence to help stop poachers…

Is this a solution to stopping poachers?

Good pic of wolverine found…

This wolverine was tracked from Colorado for a few years until the battery died in his tracker. He was recently shot and killed by a rancher in ND.

ND Hunt app deadline June 1

North Dakota, among other states, has their application deadline coming up.

When elk numbers decline, MT takes action. Proposition to triple wolf harvest…

Montana doesn’t waste time on getting management proposals in when game populations dwindle.

Conservationists and ranchers compromise on federal wolf policy?

An agreement has been reached…

Grizzly bear tristate proposed hunt seasons, public comment and access to plan document…

Find the link to the proposal document and public comment page here.

Aaaaaaaaaaand the flub of the week goes to…


About Amyntas Hinckley

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