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Deadline Edition: Guy’s Wyoming Elk Picks!

Wyoming Elk Picks

Statistically speaking the top five elk units in Wyoming are:

1) Area 56 and 59: both late season hunts with a very limited tag quota and plenty of public land to hunt during the late season migration. Somewhat weather dependent however.

2) Area 16-2: Some access issues but still has over 70% public land and an 81% success rate on branch antlered bulls.

3) Area 53-1&2: A classic high country elk hunt with 80% public land and a very solid success rate. Potential for very large bulls here if you can get back to them. Lots of grizzly bears though.

4) Area 111: Over 70% public land and over 70% success on branch antlered bulls with only 40 tags in pretty moderate country this elk hunt is hard to beat for the guy who wants a good experience and a very good chance at a nice 6 point bull, probably in the 320s.

5) Area 22: A very good hunt with excellent upside potential on a good moisture year. Moderate country and 90% public land this area is hard to beat with its very high hunter success rates and very limited tags. A 350+ bull here is a definite possibility on a good year and with one of the highest bull to cow ratios in the entire state.

Guy’s Personal Favorites to Consider:

1) Area 54: This hunt can be tough, but the trophy potential is about as good as it gets for WY. One of the few hunts in Wyoming that can actually offer the potential at a 370+ type bull. This country can be tough and the access points are only a few but the bulls are plentiful here.

2) Area 58: Probably the best area in the state to have a good chance at a 350+ bull. Access can be a little bit tricky but a small trespass fee can go a long way here. This area is getting better and better each year.

3) Area 22: As mentioned above, a very solid hunt for good to big bulls on the right year. Plenty of public and mild country can make this hunt a good hunt for a bowhunter or an older hunter.

Possible Sleeper Hunt: Area 51-1. A pretty tough hunt with not a lot of elk, but some giants roaming these hills. About a 34% success rate on branch antlered bulls might scare off some, but the trophy potential is very high here. There is some Wilderness in this unit so beware nonresidents. This hunt can produce amazing results for the hardcore or guided hunter.

Good luck in the draw!

P.S. Make sure you give the podcast below a listen, Brian Barney and Brandon Mason have some great mule deer insight!


About Guy Eastman, Editor-In-Chief

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Following in the footsteps of his father, Guy has taken up the reins and is now at the helm of the Eastmans’ Hunting Journal and the Eastmans’ Bowhunting Journal. A fine hunter in his own right, Guy has taken several trophy animals and has become an expert in trophy hunting as well.

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  1. How much is a SMALL trespass fee ?

  2. Dennis Ludington

    How is the latest winter going to effect the Elk and Deer hunting for 2017? I have 9pts for both Elk & Deer. Should i wait???

  3. Like 10 Grand. No big deal really

  4. I live in southwest Wy. The winter here has been brutal, a lot of deer dying. The elk are taken care of well here. Might want to wait for deer if your looking at region G.

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