Home / California / California: No More Coyote Hunting?

California: No More Coyote Hunting?

Photo Credit: harrycollinsphotography

Since September 2023, the California Fish and Game Commission Wildlife Resources Committee (WRC) has been mulling over changes to the take (to hunt, pursue, catch, capture, or kill; or the attempt to do the same) of nongame mammals within California.  The committee has discussed the “concerns with, and the regulatory framework for, the take of nongame mammals” multiple times since September 2023 with the most recent being January 15, 2025.  

At these meetings, the WRC has brought up the “issue” of indiscriminate take of nongame mammals.  They also brought up the “appropriateness of allowing the indiscriminate and unlimited take of native California species.”  Nongame mammals in California (according to the WRC document linked below) include species such as opossums, cottontail rabbits, raccoons, coyotes, red foxes, weasels, moles and ground squirrels.  Right now, The California Code of Regulations Title 14 (14-CCR-472) states “nongame birds and mammals may be taken at any time of the year and in any number”.  The WRC wants this to change.  

The change they are proposing is to prohibit the take of nongame mammals except per California Fish and Game code 4152.  That code states, in summary, that if those animals are found to be injuring growing crops and other property, they may be taken at any time or in any manner in accordance with FGC 4152.  This would move the take of these nongame mammals into the “depredation” category.  If you are a rancher and you see a coyote running across your field, you must wait for it to attack your cattle before you are legally able to shoot it.  This is an UNBELIEVABLY BAD idea and will be detrimental to ranchers/farmers and an already suffering ungulate population.  

In California you can barely hunt black bears and cannot hunt wolves, mountain lions, and bobcats.  To put more protection on a predator (which does not need it) is ridiculous.  You make it impossible for species like mule deer, pronghorn, elk, and other small game mammals to thrive.  California has completely lost its ability to effectively manage its own resources.  This is yet another attack on our hunting.  This will not be the last time this is tried throughout the West.  

The problem with this issue is that it is up to the Fish and Game Commission to make regulation changes, and it will not take a legislative act to make this happen.  The Fish and Game Commission will meet again on February 12-13, 2025, to consider this recommendation from the WRC.  Make your voice heard before it is too late.  See the link below to access the Fish and Game Commission meetings website so you can stay informed.  Also, a link below to the Fish and Game Commission WRC’s summary about the new proposal.  


Staff Summary for January 15, 2025; WRC

These hunters were bow hunting for elk when these coyotes crossed their path. Two coyotes fall prey to a mouth squeak and two arrows on this spontaneous coyote hunt. Predator control is an important part of wildlife management.

About Rodger Holscher

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  1. The most stupid thing lately to come out of Ca!

  2. This is a tremendous overreach of their powers! It’s the next step to eliminate all hunting in California !!
    Mike Monahan

  3. Why is anyone surprised?

    • William K Berry

      I live in Alabama, thank God, and every time I read or see something on the news about California I can’t help but wonder why the citizens of that state keep electing Democrat liberal/hippies to run the place. Their environmental issues are a joke, their politics stupid, etc. The rest of America would just as soon give it back to Mexico.

      • Anthony C Lewis

        48th in education, 47th in quality of life, I don’t think I’d be bragging about anything in Alabama but my sister.

  4. Stop the anti – hunting plage now.
    Stop financially supporting anti-hunting groups.

  5. I truly believe that its more than just a hunting issue. If they can stop hunting of predators they can then eliminate big game hunting because of declining numbers and then there is no reason for you to own a firearm.

    • Anthony C Lewis

      Quite a lot of words you strung together there Mr anderson. Of course none of them relate to any of the other words you said. They’re going to do one thing then they’re going to do another and another? Are you sure? Tell me you live in fear without telling me you live in fear, LOL

  6. These morons have but one agenda, eliminate hunting and guns! I am a 4th generation cattle rancher and I can absolutely say without reservation that I lose at least 15% of my calf crop to mountain lions and coyotes! My neighbor and friend killed at least 10 coyotes so far this year and there are still massive numbers howling out there every night! Cats are so numerous they are traveling in pairs and trios! It’s hard enough to keep a calf healthy and raised to 400-500 lbs without providing a smorgasbord to the predators. Coyotes eat quite a few dogs but the city folks should remember that the bulk of the metropolitan coyote’s diet is domestic cat!

    • Anthony C Lewis

      You might have learned nothing from your grandpa if you’re losing 15% of your calves to coyotes, LOL something tells me you’re a lot of hat with no cattle.

      The way I figure it, if you’re losing those kinds of numbers, you got no business even owning a saddle. Let alone pairs.

    • Anthony H mendoza

      There is coyotes running around at dawn just ten blocks from the capital and six blocks from fish and game here in down town Sacramento there is no reason to stop allowing them to be hunted this state is out of control and hates on everything that’s good and fun because they don’t like it or it’s against there beliefs the fish and game have ruined the salmon blaming everything except the fact that they kill everything they hatch but that is another topic .

  7. Must be the children of the politicians from back in the 60’s that came up with the rule in Vietnam, that you couldn’t shoot at the bad guys until they shot at you. Aircraft were sent out with all rounds counted, and you better damn well come back with the same number of rounds, unused!!! You just can’t fix stupid.

  8. It would be wise for all those in favor or indiscriminately killing coyotes to understand compensatory reproduction. The fact is that the more coyotes you kill the faster the species reproduces.

    • Yup, look what happened when California tried to indiscriminately recall their governor and his stupid policies. It has spawned the faster reproduction of more stupid policies and regulations.

  9. This article has a couple inaccuracies, perhaps due to the document referenced by the article. Red fox are already protected in California. Additionally, cotton tail rabblits are classified as game species, not non-game.

    • The liberals of California don’t want any person to do anything in the state of California look at every hunting/ fishing regulation and you know that it’s backed by a liberal !

  10. First of all, you have to understand the mindset of the Liberal Democrat. It is not about right or wrong. It’s about CONTROL. The best way to stop these attempts to stop you from enjoying enjoying your hobbies, your need to be in touch with nature, be it hunting, fishing, camping or mountain climbing. We need to attempt to BAN the things in life that a Liberal Democrat enjoys. Weather it is a tree hugger, a PETA radical, or an anti fishing fanatic. The have to feel the PAIN of losing three rights, one by one. It doesn’t matter how ridiculous it may sound, BAN IT! When the TRUMP Border Wall reaches California, it needs to make a hard right and go all the way to the CANADIAN BORDER. No Gates. No Points of Entry. Stay the hell out of NORMAL AMERICA.

  11. This whole thing is ridiculous. California making more rules that make no sense. This state is ass backwards at best. Game wardens have told me that if I shoot a mountain lion just don’t say anything… literally the laws are so screwed up when those who are there to enforce them say if you break them just don’t say anything. I fear if this ruling passes there are going to be a larger number of people charged with poaching which will lead to the confiscating of legal firearms. Yay democrats, keep fueling the civil war.

    • Anthony C Lewis

      Sure thing. You can blame all this on anyone you want, there are poachers out there, I deal with them on my outfit all the time.

      And if you think them evil Democrats and liberals Ain’t Got guns, You better guess again fella.

  12. Anthony C Lewis

    I run an outfit on 14 thousand acres up here near Brothers, Oregon.
    1600 cow/calf pairs for 35 years.

    You lost a calf to a coyote?
    Your lying. Ain’t never been a ‘yote known to take a calf.

    They don’t pack hunt and even the biggest coyote I’ve ever seen in 35 years of riding fence couldn’t mess with a momma cow.

    Y’all get up in arms about the dumbest shit.

    • Cattle don’t have to many predators to worry about just bear wolf lion but sheep goats and all other farm animals do mind you you can’t hunt bears wolves lions in California??? You will have the same problem in Oregon/ get the Dumb o crat out ? I live in Oregon I’ve seen it all go bad

    • Well it finally comes out–you live in Oregon–makes sense now

  13. Hey Lewis why don’t you tell um about the real problem, wolves or worse wolve loving hippie dope smoking yuppies out to bring um to Colorado and a state near you All collared up and ready to eat ranchers out of house and home, I just love them so cute, pretty husky…….

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