Home / Elk / The Gutless Method: Removing The Backstrap

The Gutless Method: Removing The Backstrap

If you are new to hunting the West there isn’t anything more intimidating than breaking down an elk for the packout for the first time. Press play for step by step instructions on removing backstraps using the gutless method!

For more on the gutless method CLICK HERE

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  1. Awesome thanks for the tips. Mabye next year being my 14 year I will finally get my first bull.

  2. I hunt whitetails in Texas. I have cleaning facilities at camp and take the complete deer to camp for processing. There I do not gut the deer, I skin it, remove the back strap, carefully remove the two loins and then quarter the animal. It is certainly cleaner.
    Billy Parks

  3. How about the gutless method of removing the tenderloins???
    – That’s where it’s at (best part of the animal)

    • Once you remove the hind qtrs( can be done with them on) it is very easy to get the tenderloins out. If the animals is still warm you can almost remove them completely with your fingers, No reason to ever gut an animal.

  4. Gerald Brunckhorst

    I read about the gutless method a while back and was doubtful I would ever use it. Then came a Montana backcountry bow hunt. I shot a bull on an extremely steep mountain side above some cliffs. The bull followed a ledge and trail system thick with timber and downfall. He expired while running and fell off the trail. He hung up tight hanging by his antlers between several stout trees on a 45 degree slope. It was impossible to untangle him so I elected to try the gutless method. It worked slick as could be. When we finished hanging the meat I used gravity to help cut his head loose. The carcus bounced past the remaining trees and over several small cliffs thus helping to keep scavengers and preditors busy far from the hanging quarters until we paced it all out.

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