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Husky Killed For Mauling Deer

Photo credit: NoName_13_Pixaby

“He told us he was unable to get his dog to come back to him. He appeared very upset and stated he didn’t know why his dog would do something like this.”

A Jackson, Wyoming man lost control of his pet Husky early this week and the dog severely mauled two mule deer. This led to the dog being shot and killed by local authorities. It has been noted that while this is accepted practice for the protection of big game animals in Wyoming it is not commonly done and killing the Husky was not the officer’s first resort.

This instance serves as a stark reminder that dogs are predatory animals at their cores, carnivores whom, if given the opportunity, will gladly and wantonly kill for the pleasure of killing. The dog in question was in fact a pet and did not appear to have a history of chasing wildlife. However, there is a first time for everything. 

As a dog owner this is a nightmare scenario and if you read the article in full you’ll see that the owner did everything in his power to gain control of the dog to no avail. Even the most well trained dogs can be unpredictable. Keeping our dogs on a leash or under control with an e-collar is vital to their safety and the safety of the wildlife they may encounter. 

I love my dogs, as do many of you reading this. I also love wildlife. I do my utmost to mitigate any impact either my dogs or myself have on wildlife by maintaining control over them and exercising them in places where they won’t have a negative impact on wildlife. My point? Our dogs are our responsibility and we owe it to them to train them well, control them at all times and be proactive in deciding where we take them. Not all spaces are acceptable for dogs and like children, they don’t tend to make good decisions when faced with too much stimulation. 

Do yourself, your dogs and the local wildlife a favor; think through where you take them and make sure you have the means to control them at all times. 

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One comment

  1. When I was in school in Wyoming, dogs would chase antelope just north of the school. Result? Game Warden shot the dogs. Don’t be an irresponsible dog owner…

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