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Happy Anniversary! 30 Years of the Eastmans’ Trophy Deer Tour!

2015-Deer-Tour-CoverEastmans’ is proud to announce its 30-year anniversary season of Eastmans’ Trophy Deer Tour – First stop the RMEF Hunter Christmas Expo

Eastmans’ Publishing, Inc. producer of Eastmans’ Hunting Journal, Eastmans’ Bowhunting Journal and Eastmans’ Hunting TV, will launch the 30-year anniversary season of Eastmans’ Trophy Deer Tour at the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation’s Hunter Christmas Expo December 4 – 7 at the Las Vegas Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nev.

Eastmans’ Trophy Deer Tour is one of the most popular hunting/sport show attractions in existence. During this special 30-year anniversary year, the tour is scheduled for locations as far north as Washington and down to southern Arizona. Roger Selner, host of the Eastmans’ Deer Tour since its beginning comments, “30 years! Wow! It has been a most extraordinary journey to get here- including traveling over two million miles, exhibiting at over 600 shows, in over 200 cities, across 46 states and Canada. It is definitely a year to celebrate all that we have accomplished. I can think of no better way than with this remarkable display of 13 incredible deer heads. I know our audiences are in for a marvelous experience at each of our tour stops this year.”

“Eastmans’ Trophy Deer Tour is not just about the experience and the awestruck feeling it creates,” said Ike Eastman, president, Eastmans’. “It’s also about spreading the word of ethical fair chase hunting. In addition to all the trophy owners, a big thank you to our sponsors for their support and commitment to this tour. Take a notice who sponsored your favorite this year from our sponsor list of BOWTECH, Eberlestock, MOSSY OAK, Sitka, Sportsman’s Warehouse, Tecnu, Wildlife Recapture-Taxidermy, YETI, and Zeiss. And a very special thank you to Wildlife Recapture Taxidermy who prepared the master crafted mounts for tour over the years.”

For more information on Eastmans’ and the Eastmans’ Trophy Deer Tour and schedule, visit www.eastmans.com.

About Scott Reekers

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  1. I have been waiting for this tour since October 2013 I can’t wait to see the spectacular Tour Roger will Present .And see my buck Mounted in person thanks again Roger.
    Rex Johnson

  2. I won’t get to see the tour in person but I work on the machine at the printing co that printed it and it is awesome to get to see all the deer that are in it congrats on the 30 yrs

  3. CRaTXn CR Rains

    I just got thru watching Segment #183 of the Eastman Journal with Guy bowhunting the sage of Wyoming. Time after time his idea of a stalk is to hunch his shoulders, crouch over and attempt to walk up on bedded bucks. Then he has the audacity or stupidity to tell the camera [ and maybe himself ] “they winded me”…this BS when the camera is showing the deer watching him with perked up ears as he is too lazy to crawl in among the sagebrush to bow range. Lazy, Lazy, Lazy ! The scary thing is maybe he really is so blind to the buck’s ears & eyes that the poor GUY really doesn’t understand what happened and thinks his stinks ruined his stalks.

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