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Grizzly Mauls Shed-Hunter

Well, Wyoming grizzlies didn’t waste any time this year making their presence felt. Unfortunately, it came in the form of a mauling. Wyoming resident Spencer Smith was hunting shed antlers in northwest Wyoming on May 1st when he came face to face with a large grizzly who didn’t take kindly to being surprised and did what grizz do best resulting in Smith being airlifted to a Billings, MT hospital. 

Thank goodness Smith was in possession of a satellite communication device from which he sent an SOS which was received by the Park County Sheriff’s Department. Wyoming Game Warden Chris Queen found Smith and helped get him loaded onto the medivac chopper. 

Those are the facts and I am glad Smith is going to be “okay”, he will, no doubt, have many obstacles to overcome on his path to healing and we here at Eastmans’ wish him a speedy and full recovery. That said, Smith’s unfortunate incident serves as a stark reminder to anyone intending to recreate in grizzly country. Please be bear aware and take all necessary precautions. 

About Todd Helms

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  1. shootbrownelk

    Are we ever going to have a Grizzly season for residents in Wyoming? A liberal Montana? Judge halted the first one a day or so before it was to open. What’s the status Guy?

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