Home / Gear / GEAR REVIEW: Zeiss Terra ED 10X42 Binoculars

GEAR REVIEW: Zeiss Terra ED 10X42 Binoculars

The name Zeiss is synonymous with worldwide quality optics. Zeiss continues to lead the outdoors optics industry with their proven line of HT optics that boast 95% light transmission – a first in outdoors optics. With this kind of quality, it isn’t a surprise to see the premium investment that it takes to own a pair of these industry leading binoculars.

Besides changing the game in the premium optics category, Zeiss was forward thinking in what they wanted to offer in their complete line of optics. What I mean is that for the first time, Zeiss is offering binoculars and riflescopes with a price tag under $1,000. While their premium Victory HT line retails for around $2,200, their new Terra ED line comes in under $500.

The first thing that may come to mind for many western hunters is that for a product to be this affordable there has to be some quality shortcut, right? Wrong!

Zeiss still uses Schott glass in the Terra line with the Zeiss MC coating. As we all know, lens coatings and glass type is what can make or break a pair of binoculars in low light situations; thereby making or breaking your hunt with the ability or inability to glass during the time of day when big game is most active.

The Terra EDs are as ergonomically correct as the other binoculars in the Zeiss family. They feature a large focusing wheel for ease of use no matter what type of hand protection you are wearing and comfort eyecups. Using binoculars that have rigid and uncomfortable eyecups is an overlooked factor in glassing comfort of the hunter who’s behind the optics for long periods.

One of the more noticeable features of the Terra EDs is their lightweight and compact size.  Weighing a full three ounces less and measuring almost a full inch shorter than the Victory HTs, money isn’t the only savings you’ll notice in these binoculars. With all of us constantly counting ounces in this game of backcountry hunting, these features stand out, helping you shave off those extra ounces on your pack list.

In short, Zeiss now offers a family of optics that covers the spectrum of various hunters’ wants and needs. The family ranges from the Victory HT line ($2,200) to the Conquest HD line ($1,000) to the new Terra ED line ($400). The good news is that when purchasing a product with the Zeiss blue flag proudly displayed on it, you can be assured that you are buying the best optics in their class in the world! Check them out at www.zeiss.com by clicking on ‘Sport Optics’ in the Portfolio.

Enter our Zeiss Facebook sweepstakes on Thanksgiving day and you could WIN the TERRA HD binos for yourself! https://www.facebook.com/eastmanshuntingjournals


About Ike Eastman

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Ike Eastman is the President of Eastmans’ Publishing and oversees the daily operations of Eastmans’ Hunting TV, Eastmans’ Hunting and Bowhunting Journals, Eastmans’ Live Events including the Trophy Deer Tour, films in the fall and is hands-on in all facets of the company. Ike’s hunting knowledge and expertise has been shaped by more than 25 years of pursuing trophy big game across most of North America.

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