Photo Credit: Ron Graham-Becker
In a day and age when a dozen eggs costs my family $8.00 at our local supermarket and it’s almost impossible to “go out” for a meal with my family for less than $100, it seems to make sense that a bill in the Wyoming legislature is proposing an increase for hunting application fees. 400% is the round number being discussed and it seems like a lot but what does that actually look like?
“House Bill 2 would boost resident hunting license application fees from $5 to $20. Fees for nonresident hunters would jump from $15 to $75.” – Mark Heinz, Cowboy State Daily.
There has been no discussion of raising tag prices, yet. . . but raising the price to apply for limited quota tags in my home state to $20 dollars won’t prevent me from applying as I know that wildlife management is expensive. While I don’t agree with everything that the Wyoming Game and Fish does, I do understand how difficult their jobs are and believe that overall WYGFD does a marvelous job managing the state’s wildlife and fish.
If paying $15 more to apply for limited quota tags means that more of my money goes to better wildlife in Wyoming, I’m good with that.
Nonresident application fees jumping to $75 may have an interesting impact on who actually applies for tags versus who just buys a point and could very well step up the rate of “point creep” for Wyoming’s coveted Blue-Chip elk, deer and pronghorn hunt areas. Only time will tell.
I’m curious to hear your thoughts on this topic and will also be keeping close tabs on whether or not this bill actually passes.
I don’t have any issue with raising the application fee as a Wyoming resident. It hasn’t changed in many, many years, so it was probably due. It might make people a little more selective as to how many applications they submit.
Didn’t Wyoming cut the number of “trophy” nonresident permits recently? Also nonresident s finance about 75 % of the WGF budget, I’ve read. So in order for the department to keep going, there’s now a bill to shaft the nonresident again. A flat-out $75.00 just to put in? Ridiculous