U.S. House Votes To Delist Wolves In Lower 48
By Todd Helms
In a very close vote on Tuesday the U.S. House passed a bill that included the delisting of wolves in the lower 48 states that would effectively turn over control of the predators to the states. This bill was a bipartisan effort to support the recovery of gray wolves across the country in various regions.
As it stands the Biden administration has already said it opposes the bill and that’s before it even goes to the Senate. . . that’s discouraging BUT the fact that even a part of the Legislative Branch passed a bill like this is a bright spot in the darkness that surrounds scientific wolf management in today’s day and age.
I do agree with the Biden administration’s stance on wolf recovery, “Congress shouldn’t play a role in determining whether a species has recovered…,” and neither should the Senate or the White House or Federal judges… recovery decisions should be left to state-level game and fish agencies based upon hard and fast numbers and science, not the whims of an urban populace such as in Colorado or greedy politicians with an agenda only to get reelected.
The wolves of the West AND the Great Lakes region have fully recovered and despite the actions of one degenerate in Daniel, Wyoming, the state’s of Wyoming, Montana and Idaho have done a marvelous job managing their wolf populations as witnessed by the fact that they have to constantly keep trimming those populations back or the wolves will eat themselves and the state’s residents out of house and home.
It is past time to delist wolves in the entirety of the lower 48 states and if it must be a political battle then we need to make sure our elected officials, that’s Senators at this point, know the will of the people. Be sure you make your voice heard.
Source Link: time.com