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The Next Big Thing: Digital Magazines Delivered

EHJ136_Cover_1-webIt’s been a long and arduous process, but we are happy to announce that both EHJ and EBJ will soon be deliverable to your iPad, iPhone, Droid and tablets. We spent countless months researching the very best options to get our magazines to our subscribers digitally and we’ve finally done it.

For almost two years now, our readers have been able to view a full online version of the magazine on eastmans.com. However, with a recent push in tablets and the ever-increasing mobile usage, we knew we had to adapt and find a way to get our content to you easier, faster and better. Mission accomplished.

In the coming weeks you’ll be able to kick back in your recliner and scroll through the pages of EHJ and EBJ on your iPhone as you watch the 5 o’clock news. Or maybe you’d like to kick back and read about the latest tips and tactics on your flight to a business meeting on your iPad. While all of this is already available through the website, we realized that the Internet shouldn’t determine how/when you get our magazines. So, we’re fixing that for you. Now you’ll be able to download issues right to your device and look at them whenever you’d like, no wireless or data plan needed. Slick huh?

Stay tuned. The digital world is always advancing and we pride ourselves in keeping you on the leading edge when it comes to the western outdoor publication industry.

If you’d like to try the “digital magazine experience” for yourself, click here!

Would you pay for a digital-only subscription for your electronic device?

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Which type of device would you most likely use to view the digital magazine?

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If you were to buy a digital subscription would you cancel your printed version?

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About Guy Eastman, Editor-In-Chief

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Following in the footsteps of his father, Guy has taken up the reins and is now at the helm of the Eastmans’ Hunting Journal and the Eastmans’ Bowhunting Journal. A fine hunter in his own right, Guy has taken several trophy animals and has become an expert in trophy hunting as well.

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  1. Blayne St. James

    I like the idea of it however when Hunt’in Fool tried it I did purchase a subscription for one year and hated it. It was too slow and kind of awkward. I canceled the digital and kept the hard copy subscription going. I understand these technologies cost money but for me unless it was a free service that came with my paid subscriptions I doubt I’d subscribe to the digital format. I do appreciate Easstman’s pushing the envelope though and will continue to subscribe to the printed publication.

  2. I think in order for this to be successful, or more successful, you need to make the cost much less than what you charge for printable media. I initially subscribed but the high cost in these economic times caused me to cut luxuries. If the price was right I would re-subscribe to your digital version. Just my two cents…

  3. I would enjoy the digital version but wouldn’t pay for it as a stand-alone. I would pay an extra few bucks a year to add the digital subscription to the regular hard copy subscription though.

  4. I get a digital version of Field and Stream and love it. I travel a lot and really enjoy having it be accessible.

  5. In order to have a really great digital content you almost need to update every week. Monthly info would be read and old hat to quickly on digital media. I would pay extra for digital content but I want the Mag or hard copy too. Links to maps and video would be greatly appreciated and useful.

  6. “I like the idea of it however when Hunt’in Fool tried it I did purchase a subscription for one year………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… I kept the hard copy subscription going. I understand these technologies cost money but for me unless it was a free service that came with my paid subscriptions I doubt I’d subscribe to the digital format. I do appreciate Easstman’s pushing the envelope though and will continue to subscribe to the printed publication.”

    I agree with this comment.

  7. I would pay a little more to add a digital subscription. I wouldn’t want to pay as much as the printed version costs.

  8. The best digital hunting magazine I’ve seen is Sports Afield.
    I changed that subscription over to exclusively digital and love it.
    I get another magazine ( a regional hunting and fishing mag) that offered a
    digital version but it’s so poorly done that I am going back to paper!
    Eastman’s will surely hit a home run with this change.

  9. Chris humphries

    Digital is the way of the future without a doubt – I have only had a chance to read two of the articles in the sample on line version and I love it. Would like,to continue reading but I am about to get on a plane. Definitely would purchase a year subscription if it was available via iTunes Store. The problem with the online version – i.e. sample, is that you need active Internet. iTunes allows you to down load and read regardless of Internet connection – have always loved your magazine – lets bring it into the 2000’s !!!

  10. Digital Magazines with their portability and their appealing outlook grabs the attention of alot of people. People have shifted their attention to digital magazines.Its true that digital Magazines are the next big thing and are gaining fame day by day. I created my digital magazine using http://www.presspadapp.com

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