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Poacher Alert!!!!!

To any and all that have been in northwest Wyoming recently and have any info on this poaching incident, please contact authorities soon! 

They Wyoming Game & Fish is actively looking for info on a deer that was poached probably near Garland and Deaver, Wyoming.

Here is the link to the Game & Fish release: https://wgfd.wyo.gov/Regional-Offices/Cody-Region/Cody-Region-News/Information-sought-on-abandoned-white-tailed-buck

Get prepared. Stay prepared. Hunt hard. (and help catch poachers)

About Brandon Mason

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  1. Randolph Holford

    I can only hope they catch whomever is responsible and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.

  2. These people are not hunters. They are no more hunters, than shoplifters are shoppers. Unfortunately, non hunters will group them with us.

  3. Wyoming does not impose an extreme punishment for poaching, so this has continued. You don’t seem to be very serious in the prevention of this crime. God has blessed Wyoming with outstanding wildlife, a fish and game department that has instituted a draw system that almost guarantees residents multiple draws for tags. But you guys go out and poach. Being a non resident, the draw system is stacked against me and my ability to spend money in your communities. But you all poach and steal money from yourselves. That animal if hunted legally, would have brought thousand of dollar to Wyoming. I love Wyoming, it is truly a outdoors man paradise. But harming it can not be tolerated. Get Serious please.

    • I am from South Dakota and respect our Wyoming neighbors. 99% of Wyoming hunters are great individuals and would not poach as stated you said they all poach and steal money. False. There is no proof of now that says the poacher is from Wyoming, could be from your state for all we know. Please be careful with your judgements in the future.

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