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Montana Poaching: Charges Filed and Information Wanted

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Charges Filed

Three elk and three deer were poached in Broadwater County, Montana in 2023. After a year-long investigation by Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks three people have been charged with a mix of felony and misdemeanor charges for game violations. The violations occurred on both private and public lands.

The people being charged have pled not guilty and will be presumed innocent until guilt is established. If they are guilty let’s hope the judge throws the book at them. In today’s world of tough to come by tags, the value of wildlife, especially elk and deer is at a premium and poaching such as this is a theft of public resources. 

Information Wanted  

A bull elk was recently killed and wasted (left to rot) south of Dillon, Montana. FWP wardens discovered the elk carcass on public land near Small Horn Canyon thanks to a tip. It appears that the bull was killed due to a “herd shooting” incident and left to waste. 

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is seeking information regarding this incident and is offering a reward of up to $1000 for intel that leads to an arrest. 

This is not a stand alone incident in the Dillon area as MTFWP has received reports of similar incidents as well. Again, elk are simply too valuable in today’s hunting landscape to be wantonly wasted in this manner. “Herd shooting” is a shameful and irresponsible practice at best and dangerous at the worst. Late-season elk tend to herd up and it is up to ethical hunters to take safe shots at animals standing on the periphery of any herd where there is no chance that a bullet, either errant or true, hits more than the intended elk. Take your time and make an ethical kill, we all owe it to the animals we pursue. 

If you have information that you feel may help MTFWP in the Dillon incident please reach out at tipmont.mt.gov to get in touch with a local game warden. 

About Todd Helms

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One comment

  1. devotedly06a23edb19

    Well, if past poaching incidents are an indicator, I’m guessing some fines and probation. Jail time is hardly ever imposed. Oh, and loss of hunting privileges which is meaningless when it comes to poachers. They continue to hunt illegally anyhow.

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