Hunt the sagebrush hills of Wyoming with Mike Eastman as he chases after a trophy mule deer. With year’s of hunting experience and an eye for judging trophy deer, Eastman puts a 197 typical muley on the ground.
Hunt the sagebrush hills of Wyoming with Mike Eastman as he chases after a trophy mule deer. With year’s of hunting experience and an eye for judging trophy deer, Eastman puts a 197 typical muley on the ground.
Tags big deer Featured hunting sage brush mule deer Mike Eastma Mule deer. Trophy mule deer
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Nice buck! I assume it was private land.
Great buck Mike. You are an inspiration to all of us that are getting up there in years. The comment from Jason is sour grapes. The Eastman family should be applauded for the work they have done to bring ethical hunting practices to the masses. The masses definitely need it. I know the Eastman family have done tons of public land hunts. On a side note, Jason could use some help on how to properly express his thoughts. Even when Jason writes properly, the word ALWAYS rarely rings true.