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Hunting Packs By Mystery Ranch

2016-04-20Mystery Ranch packs are some of the toughest on the market and have been tested by firefighters, military personnel, backcountry enthusiasts and backpack hunters for many years.

Dana Gleason started building packs 40 years ago with the idea that packs should carry comfortably and last as long the user can abuse them.

Mystery Ranch has made a concerted effort to build packs that backcountry hunters will not only use like the ones in the past but packs that are specifically designed with backcountry hunter’s needs in mind.

Keeping their known robust construction while shaving ounces and pounds off of their packs has resulted in the new Guide Light Frame construction that fits most of their new hunting packs that really focuses on a term they call “Load Carriage.”  As we all know proper weight distribution in a pack is paramount to reducing fatigue as much as possible. As they say at Mystery Ranch, “Carrying a heavy load sucks – we just make it suck a lot less.”

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One comment

  1. Was lucky enough to get my hands on a 2016 Metcalf. Impressed with overall design, fit & finish and immediate comfort. Hoping to pack some meat soon.

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