Home / Mule Deer / Guy’s 2017 Top Five Wyoming Mule Deer Hunts

Guy’s 2017 Top Five Wyoming Mule Deer Hunts


With the wrath of the worst winter in nearly 40 years finally behind us, the Wyoming deer herd has suffered tremendously, particularly on the Western side of the state. The regions of G, H and K have taken the brunt of the winter losses. Along with that historic limited quota go to areas for many such as 102, 141/162, 130 and 105/106/109 have seen very serious winter losses for their mule deer populations. As an example, the state of Wyoming had 99 mule deer fawns from last year (yearlings) collared for a study mostly from Regions G and H. Of those 99 only one single fawn survived the winter. Not a very good scenario to say the least. With that said, the options are pretty slim this year, and even at that, these are what I believe to be the best mule deer options available at this time in the state of Wyoming, which may not really be saying much.

1. Area 87-1: Right in the heart of the famed Carbon County and clear of the epicenter of the winter danger zone this area is a very solid bet for a high point holder who really wants to hunt deer this year. An increased quota, limited hunting pressure and high success make this area a very high quality hunt for Wyoming. Public land access can be a bit problematic here, so do your research.

2. Area 89-1: A solid producer and an expanding mule deer herd put this hunt on the list this year. This deer area has one of the highest buck to doe ratios in the entire state and one of the only mule deer herds that is over objective population levels. A great hunt for good bucks, but true monsters can be hard to come by here. A great bowhunt.

3. Area 101-1: This area has very limited hunting pressure and tons of country to hunt in. Although this area is in the winter danger zone I think the limited amount of tags and the excessive moisture from this winter and spring could really benefit the survivor bucks in this area. Probably the best bet in the state for a true monster of a buck this year, but could be a bit risky with decreased deer herd numbers.

4. Area 90-1: There’s no doubt, this area has struggled over the years, but things seem to be headed back in the right direction again here. With a very high buck to doe ratio and a growing mule deer herd and hunter success this area is on the up and up, and this could be a break-out year for Area-90 with the above normal moisture levels and mild spring.

5. Area 34-1: A very solid mule deer hunt. Good success, solid buck to doe ratio, decent public access and great mule deer habitat, this area may be about as good as Wyoming gets right now for an opportunity at a good buck. A true monster would be a stretch for this area, but a fun high quality mule deer hunt for sure.



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About Guy Eastman, Editor-In-Chief

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Following in the footsteps of his father, Guy has taken up the reins and is now at the helm of the Eastmans’ Hunting Journal and the Eastmans’ Bowhunting Journal. A fine hunter in his own right, Guy has taken several trophy animals and has become an expert in trophy hunting as well.

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