Home / General / Grizzly Mauls Hunter West Of Cody Wyoming

Grizzly Mauls Hunter West Of Cody Wyoming

A grizzly bear mauled a hunter west of Cody, Wyoming on Saturday, October 2nd. The hunter was subsequently flown to Billings, MT for treatment of his injuries. The Wyoming Game and Fish is investigating the incident at this time. The bear, a sow with cubs, was killed by the hunter and his partners and her cubs were euthanized by the Wyoming Game and Fish. 

This incident serves as a stark reminder as to the reality of hunting in grizzly country. The hunter was attacked after a close range encounter with the sow and is lucky to be alive. This is due in large part to him being with other hunters. We here at Eastmans’ extend our thoughts and prayers to him and his family and wish him a full recovery. 

If you choose to hunt in grizzly country this fall please remember these tips to stay safe. 


Source Link: https://wgfd.wyo.gov/Regional-Offices/Cody-Region/Cody-Region-News/Hunter-injured-in-Wyoming-grizzly-bear-attack

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  1. Speak softly and carry a 500 S&W

  2. It had to be hard on the hunter to have his partners euthanized.

  3. Just left Yellowstone Park on 10/1. Drove out the East gate towards Cody, where I pulled off to see the photo shoot of a sow grizzly and one cub, still within park limits. They were 75 yards off the road. They seemed to be foraging under logs as bears will do. They were not at all phased by the gathering photo shoot.

  4. keith g farley O.D.

    unsettling to say the least we were fly fishing that area not far from the entrance 2 years ago lots of thick willows to come through to get out very unsettling even with a fire extinguisher size bear spray and 44 S& W.

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