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Eastmans’ Visit Savage Arms

We had an exciting and rare opportunity to visit Savage Arms in Massachusetts recently. Guy, myself and our Account Executive Matt Suuck found ourselves on an early flight to Hartford, Connecticut. Let me tell you, there is no easy way to get there from here. After three flights and literally all day flying, we arrived in Westfield Massachusetts, home of Savage Arms. After a restful night, we headed down to the plant to see how Savage manufactures their rifles. After going through all the security and being greeted by Bill Dermody, the Marketing Manager, we were informed that we would actually be able to build our own guns. I was a bit nervous knowing that I would be hunting with this rifle this fall. This is not something my wife wants a novice (myself) doing for me!  I was very happy that the professionals were there to ensure that we were checking the head space properly and making certain all of the assembly and manufacturing was performed properly. As you can see by the photos, we had a ton of fun and learned a vast amount about their process and products. It was amazing to me the amount of personal touch that goes into each piece. The employees love their jobs, love the company, love Mr. Coburn (the owner), and most importantly love their customers. Almost every employee we worked with took an extra step that was not mandatory for that job. They have built their own tools to make their jobs faster, safer, or make the product better. They take extra steps to make sure the rifle is safe, accurate, and perfect in every way. It was a true blessing to spend the day with the fine folks at Savage. We here at Eastmans’ are better informed to ensure more accurate answers to your questions because of it. Check the following photos and captions out. It was a great time!

Guy trying to grind the reciever. Don't quite your day job!
Guy trying to grind the receiver for his rifle. Don’t quit your day job!
Guy is pulling the rifling through his barrel. A very messy job as you can tell by the get up.
Guy is pulling the rifling through his barrel. A very messy job as you can tell by the get up.
This is how they make perfectly sure the barrels are straight. Guy is giving it his best once over.
This is how they make perfectly sure the barrels are straight. Guy is giving it his best once over.
I am looking down the barrel as they are guiding me through the process. They say “see the two rings and the lines?” I said ah I guess I do, not wanting to tell them that I have no idea what they are talking about. I am sure they looked down the barrel after we left and said man does he want to shoot around corners?  
I am looking down the barrel as they are guiding me through the process. They said, “See the two rings and the lines?” I said, “Uh, I guess I do”, not wanting to tell them that I have no idea what they are talking about. I am sure they looked down the barrel after we left and said, “Man, does he want to shoot around corners?”
Matt actually played it off as if he knew what they were doing. He is pulling levers and turning the barrel and discussing the belly with the operator. It was if he knew what they were talking about. I am not convinced but hey, it looked good.
Matt actually played it off as if he knew what they were doing. He is pulling levers and turning the barrel and discussing the belly with the operator. It was as if he knew what they were talking about. I am not convinced, but hey, it looked good.
Guy learning how the AccuTrigger is assembled. You have to be very ambidextrous to do this job. Guy looks like he is concentrating very hard.
Guy learning how the AccuTrigger® is assembled. You have to be very ambidextrous to do this job. Guy looks like he is concentrating very hard.
Guy trying to assemble the firing pin. This takes talent. They have to be with in a certain tolerance that is checked. It took him a couple of tries but he got it done.
Guy trying to assemble the firing pin. This takes talent. They have to be within a certain tolerance. It took him a couple of tries but he got it done.
This is the step that makes the gun start to look like a gun. He is assembling the receiver, bolt, and barrel together.
This is the step that makes the gun start to look like a gun. He is assembling the receiver, bolt, and barrel together.
I always say, never force anything, always get a bigger hammer! Anyone want to shoot my guy? Ha ha ha!
I always say never force anything; always get a bigger hammer! Anyone want to shoot my gun? Ha ha!
I see they made you sign it so that if it blows up it is your hind end! Those guys got your number. They should have made me do that!
I see they made you sign it so that if it blows up it is your hind end! Those guys got your number. They should have made me do that!
Guy is helping make sure everything is still straight after he put it all together. Do you need my hammer?
Guy is helping make sure everything is still straight after he put it all together. Do you need my hammer?
Hey, Bill am I supposed to have extra parts? I know they always give you extras incase you break or lose some right? No, ok I’ll put those in my pocket. Moving one!
Hey, Bill. Am I supposed to have extra parts? I know they always give you extras in case you break or lose some, right? No? Okay, I’ll put those in my pocket. Moving on!
Guy checks to see if he can hit the paper. All kidding aside, they really know how to make guns. All of our guns shot a 1 inch group with in 5 shells. Not bad considering we built them.
Guy checks to see if he can hit the paper. All kidding aside, Savage really knows how to make guns. All of our rifles shot one-inch groups within five shells. Not bad considering we built them.

An honest and heartfelt thanks to everyone at the plant that helped us. You were all very patient and understanding. We thank you for your accuracy, diligence, and willingness to go that extra mile so that our rifles are the most accurate on the market.  I can’t wait to get my rifle out there and field test it in just a few short weeks.

Good luck this fall!

Ike Eastman

“Behind the Scenes”

About Ike Eastman

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Ike Eastman is the President of Eastmans’ Publishing and oversees the daily operations of Eastmans’ Hunting TV, Eastmans’ Hunting and Bowhunting Journals, Eastmans’ Live Events including the Trophy Deer Tour, films in the fall and is hands-on in all facets of the company. Ike’s hunting knowledge and expertise has been shaped by more than 25 years of pursuing trophy big game across most of North America.

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