Bow hunting spring black bears means spot and stalk hunting on the ground. It gets exciting for bow hunter Dan Pickar. He has two close encounters with protective mama bears and baby bear cubs, but eventually finds the jet black bear of his dreams!
Bow hunting spring black bears means spot and stalk hunting on the ground. It gets exciting for bow hunter Dan Pickar. He has two close encounters with protective mama bears and baby bear cubs, but eventually finds the jet black bear of his dreams!
Tags antelope bear hunting Beyond The Grid big game hunting bow hunting Eastmans' Bear Hunting Guy Eastman Montana rifle hunting western hunting Wyoming
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As spring progresses the snow melt is uncovering more and more bad news for big game populations out West...
Dan, why did you say “no” to bear back straps for dinner? No time to cook back at camp or don’t like them? Nice shot on that bear btw.