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HS Precision Pro Series Rifle

HS-Headerfor-webCustom rifles have been around a long time. However, in recent years they’ve gained notoriety in all aspects from hunting to bench rest shooting. While some guys can’t fathom spending several thousand dollars on a single rifle, some do it without blinking an eye because they know what they’re getting. When you pay up to $4,000 for a rifle, you have high expectations as to how it should perform and the superb function/design that should be included in it. Well, it just so happens that one of those manufacturers, H-S Precision, has been putting out rifles just like this for years now and has asserted themselves as one of the very best in the custom-rifle market.

Based out of Rapid City, South Dakota, H-S Precision has been a steadfast name in the custom-rifle community. With their unique stock designs and custom platforms, the rifles they put out are nothing short of works of art. However, unlike custom rifles with fancy slabs of wood and checkering, these are meant to leave the gun safe to pound the hills. While they have their own beauty, the H-S Precision rifles really shine when it comes to design and accuracy. These rifles are scrutinized to the highest degree because they know that if someone wants to invest that much money in one rifle, it had better perform beyond their expectations.

We recently received a rifle from H-S Precision and have been testing it out for the past few months. As soon as we opened the box, we were impressed by its unique beauty. The green finish on the barrel and action, and the multi-colored stock combination sure gave it its own look. We were also surprised by how light it was for being a magnum caliber. Since we were in the middle of sending out a magazine when it came in, the rifle sat idle for a few weeks, but one day, we just couldn’t take it anymore, so we headed to the range.

Starting at 100 yards seemed kind of silly as we knew these rifles tout their accuracy to much further distances. However, staying true to form, we got the rifle dialed in on paper at 100 yards. After we were square, Mark, our shooting editor, proceeded to put a five-shot group downrange that has us all talking about  how a rifle could be that accurate out of the box. Sure enough, three of the holes combined to make one, and the other two were in very close proximity. Right away we knew the accuracy element HS Precision promotes was 100% backed up. We would even go so far as to say the proof was in the grouping.

Moving out to further ranges proved more of the same. This rifle is easy to handle from any position and seems to be almost drawn to whatever it’s pointed at. At first glance the price might seem high, but once you use it, you will know that it is worth every penny. If money is the issue, the good news is that H-S Precision does offer models varying in price and options. So if you don’t want to go completely to the top-end, you can find a model for less money with a few less bells and whistles, but still all the benefits of a custom rifle.

A custom rifle may not be every hunter’s cup of tea, but it’s easy to see why a guy would own one. We were thoroughly impressed with this rifle and if you’re in the market for a mountain-worthy custom rifle, H-S Precision would be a great place to start your search.

About Guy Eastman, Editor-In-Chief

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Following in the footsteps of his father, Guy has taken up the reins and is now at the helm of the Eastmans’ Hunting Journal and the Eastmans’ Bowhunting Journal. A fine hunter in his own right, Guy has taken several trophy animals and has become an expert in trophy hunting as well.

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  1. HS Precision rifles are state of the art and custom made for you!
    My son and I use their tactical rifles (HTR), and Bench rifles (BCR) for competitive shooting.
    We have their take down rifles, varmint, and professional hunter rifles for hunting. Every one of their rifles shoots under 1/2 MOA groups, and their tactical and bench rifles shoot 1/4 MOA or better. Their rifles are completely manufactured in Rapid City South Dakota from cut rifled barrels to their Kevlar stocks, this is a company that is dedicated to the shooter and hunter. You will not find a better product for the price, once you own one you will not be satisfied with anything else.

  2. I just purchased an HS-Precision SPL in 300 Winchester Magnum. It feels great and shoots even better. Expensive yes but well worth the price.

  3. Article was OK but had little specific information about the gun. Sounds more like an ad than an analysis of merits and demerits. At a minimum, we could use info about the caliber, the barrel length, the weight and the longer range performance. Those of us who buy custom hunting guns have a variety of really good makers/craftsmen from which to choose. This article would be a lot more helpful to us if it talked about where HSP fits into this broader market.

  4. I agree with Carl, almost everyone is concerned about the weight. A target photo to show actual group shots would have been another plus, one persons three shots in one hole and two close may be good for one person but not exceptional for another. Was the green finish on the barrel just paint or something other? Was not enough info to make me even want to look for more about a gun of this supposedly high quality.

    • I agree more details should be included. Each HS Precision comes with a load recommendation; mine was 74 grains of IMR 4350 and a 180 grain Ballistic Tip (300 win mag). So far I have shot a few groups at 100 yards within .60 of an inch. They are not completely within the 1/2 inch that is guarenteed, but the wind was blowing and I was not shooting out of a vice. I shot two 1.1 inch groups at 200 yards but again the wind was a factor. I had a custom length of pull added and a removable muzzle brake. I really can’t think of anything bad to say about the rifle and believe me I would not hesitate to do so.

  5. I have had a HS in 300 Ultra-Mag for over 10 years..have taken it with me to Alaska and Africa and numerous points in between..also use it all the time here in Montana for elk and mule deer..it is the most accurate rifle I have ever owned..period.

  6. Joshua Morigeau

    Last year I purchased a H-S Precision 7mm Rem Mag. I took the hand loads (168gr Berger VLD) from another 7mm I have and it shot that load in a 1/16″ group at 100yards. I haven’t tried any other loads through it since it seems to like those well enough.

    • I have had an HS since 1999 in 300 Ultra-mag–since that time I hve used it every season to hunt deer, elk, bear and antelope in my home state of Montana. In addition it has followed me to Africa on 4 hunts..it is a virtual laser..have shot Nosler Ballistic Tips, Accubonds along with Swift A-Frames and Scirroco’s..all shoot extremely well..it is a great rifle and my go-to gun when I get serious about hunting

  7. Stephen Dienes

    I own a HS Presision in Weatherby’s 257 mag. At 100 yards you would be hard pressed to account for the five shot group within the 0.38 inch hole. I shot this group from my bench rest scoped with a Z5; No wind, humidity 62% at an altitude of 4760 feet above sea level. I looking to buy another rifle in either a 7mm or 30 cal. A well built rifle, you can’t go wrong if squired.

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