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As the Coronavirus “Pandemic” continues to impact our lives more and more states are closing spring hunting seasons to non-residents. This move was addressed in a previous blog post by Guy Eastman as he made some predictions about fall hunting seasons. While we here at Eastmans’ don’t think that fall hunting seasons will see any impact western states are shutting down non-resident hunts for bear and turkey as we speak. 

Montana just announced yesterday that spring bear and turkey hunting is closed to non-residents but they will be refunding previously purchased tags.- Click Here To Stay Up-To-Date On MT

Oregon has closed all hunting and many other outdoor recreational activities to non-residents. No word on tag/license refunds. Click Here To Stay Up-To-Date On OR

Washington has postponed spring bear and turkey seasons until “at least May 4th.” Click Here To Stay Up-To-Date On WA

Alaska has closed spring bear seasons. Click Here To Stay Up-To-Date On AK

Colorado has delayed some turkey seasons. Click Here To Stay Up-To-Date On CO

The point is that these are uncertain times and keeping abreast of constantly changing season closures or regulations changes is imperative. Staying closer to home and exploring the options available to you there may be an excellent opportunity to learn more about your own backyard. 

This is also an excellent opportunity to explore Eastmans’ newest hunting research tool, TagHub! There’s no better time to make sure your research is dialed and that your plans A through, well maybe even Z, fleshed out or this fall. To sign up for TagHub follow the link below, you won’t regret it. 


About Todd Helms

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  1. Are these updates accurate? Unless it changed for a 3rd time, Alaska is only closed for non-residents. Resident seasons are still open. Has MT closed all of bear season to non-res? It was only until April 28 as of a couple days ago.

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