A wicked stretch of Highway 26 near Dubois, Wyoming is a pinch point for wildlife and racks up over three-quarters of a million dollars in wildlife related accident costs each year. This has prompted the Wyoming Game and Fish Department to produce a mitigation study and propose mitigation measures to save wildlife, people and property.
The proposed mitigation measures include wildlife over-and underpasses between mileposts 58 and 64.5. The project is expected to pay for itself within the first 25 years of its existence and provide safe passage for both wildlife and motorists into the next century.
It seems to me that projects like this are a no-brainer and I applaud the hard working folks who make mitigation of wildlife/vehicle accidents a top priority. As we continue to watch our mule deer herds spiral downward across the West I truly believe that projects like this one are not only worthy of public support and funding but necessary if we hope to turn the tide. You can help by purchasing a Wildlife Conservation license plate and joining/donating to western conservation organizations.