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4.0 App From onXmaps

All of the Eastmans’ subscribers, including you if your subscription is current, are not strangers to the information provided in our Members Research Section (MRS). Our staff pours over pages and pages of information (both web pages and hard copy printouts), speaks to state wildlife management departments, speaks to land management agencies, speaks to fellow western hunters, and spends weeks in the field across the West every year in order to help everyone make the best decisions when planning for those coveted western big game tags.

One of our partners that you are familiar with is onXmaps. Not only do they keep rolling out new updates to their popular mapping apps and GPS chips, such as their new 4.0 app that just launched in August and is detailed in this video, but we have now worked with them to bring the Eastmans’ MRS layer to your onX app on your smart device.

Just as in our MRS in EHJ, EBJ and in this expanded content collector’s edition book, the onX Eastmans’ MRS layer will have all 11 western states and will include information on deer, elk and pronghorn for those states in a streamlined format.

The MRS layer will include game management unit (GMU) information with Trophy Quality Forecast, Nonresident Preference Points needed to draw the GMUs, Nonresident Draw Odds per GMU, and 3 Year Average Success Rates on bucks/bulls per GMU. Most of the state info is standardized, but some variations do exist as in the print version of the MRS due to data inconsistencies between state agencies.

This add-on feature has been in the works for over two years and we are stoked to be working with onX to bring this information to your fingertips. Hopefully, this will be just one more tool to help you harvest the animal of your dreams and put meat in the freezer for the winter.

If you haven’t used the new onX Hunt app, do yourself a favor and go to onxmaps.com to sign up for their affordable annual subscriptions so you can take the guesswork out of where you are in the field. Spend more time hunting and less time trying to figure out how to navigate around land you may not have permission to hunt.

About Brandon Mason

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One comment

  1. William DeRossett

    You are right on with your thoughts on turning federal land back to the states. I could give you example after example of the states selling the land to make a buck. A great example would be where the Still water mining company (Columbus , Mt.)was able to be owned at, at one time by Russia. I think all of your viewers should do a little research on this topic!

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