Home / General / Mule Deer Population Looking Promising!- $10.5M in Habitat Projects

Mule Deer Population Looking Promising!- $10.5M in Habitat Projects

800+ species of wildlife. That’s a big number for me to wrap my little pea-brain around! And $10.5 million, largely from sportsmen, to foot the bill – LOVE IT!

Once again, hunters and anglers prove they are the largest conservationists and true advocates of our wildlife and land resources, just like we have since the turn of the 20th century when the Boone and Crockett club started.

According to Oil City News, “Game and Fish highlighted projects that reconnected over 94 miles of stream to benefit native cutthroat and other species.” This was done in partnership with various entities including nonprofit organizations, private landowners, and the Wyoming Wildlife Natural Resources Trust Fund.

“Terrestrial projects involved work on 725,896 acres of land. Examples included herbicide treatments to prevent the spread of invasive grass.”


Here are highlights from the Wyoming Game & Fish report (view full report here):

  1. Thunder Basin Habitat Improvement
  2. Stockade Beaver Creek Conifer Removal
  3. Sanchez Creek Riparian Restoration
  4. North Platte Restoration Monitoring
  5. North Platte River Erosion Assessment Phase 2
  6. Duncan Ranch State Land Habitat Improvement
  7. Converse County Park Mahogany Rejuvenation
  8. Chalk Mountain Phase II
  9. Bolton Creek Beaver Dam Analog Installation and Monitoring
  10. Bates Hole Riparian Restoration
  11. Bates Hole/Hat Six Mule Deer Initiative Rapid Habitat Assessment
  12. Highway 487 Mule Deer Collision Reduction

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