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Vote for Trump like your rights depend on it – because they do!

We at Eastmans’ understand that this Op-Ed may very well be “preaching to the choir” but feel that it provides important information for all hunters, shooters and patriotic Americans going into the final weeks before the November election. If you’re one of the hundreds of thousands of hunters and shooters who aren’t registered to vote please get registered and get out and vote this year. The Harris/Walz campaign has not reached out to us in support of 2nd Amendment, hunting and public land rights and issues but as you can see, the Trump/Vance campaign has. Please read into that what you will.  – Ike Eastman, President of Eastmans’ Publishing

By now, most defenders of the 2nd Amendment have seen the video and pictures of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz on his “pheasant hunting” outing earlier this month. In addition to being the running mate to the Democratic candidate for president, Kamala Harris, he also helped bring Elmer Fudd back out of retirement, because Walz looked just like that goofy hunter who so often failed to bag Bugs Bunny in the old Looney Tunes cartoons. 

But while the Fudd character is meant to be funny, there’s nothing humorous about Walz. The campaign rolled him out in his hunting duds in an attempt to obscure the very real threat he and Harris pose to sportsmen and 2A supporters if they get anywhere near the Oval Office. By contrast, my father, Donald J. Trump, would again become the champion we need to protect our rights if he is elected president once more, which is why it is imperative that we spread the word about what’s at stake in the election on November 5.

As you may know, I am an avid outdoorsman and have been one my whole life. As everyone in my family does, I grew up with a healthy respect for firearms, and also the beautiful U.S. Constitution which protects our rights to own and use them responsibly. We use them for sporting purposes, certainly, but we all know that the 2nd Amendment is about a lot more than just hunting and trap shooting.  

That’s why this election is so important.

Put simply, Harris would be a disaster for gun owners, as she may be the most anti-2nd Amendment candidate ever to run for president as a major party nominee. If elected, she will most definitely try to restrict our rights and outright seize legally owned weapons from law-abiding citizens. How do we know this? Because she’s tried to do it before.

Going back to her days as the district attorney for San Francisco and attorney general of California, Harris has long been an opponent of the rights of people to legally possess firearms to protect themselves and their families, or to hunt and fish on public lands and waters.

She has forcefully supported a “mandatory buyback program,” which is another way to say “gun confiscation,” and has said she is “proud” that her home state of California has radical gun control laws. Amazingly, she has said that if she is elected president, she will use executive action to take people’s guns in the first 100 days of her administration, and has bragged about law enforcement agents going house to house to seize people’s firearms.

Harris has repeatedly called for a ban on so-called “assault weapons,” a ban on importing AR-15-style firearms, and a ban on high-capacity magazines. She supports raising the minimum age to purchase a rifle, and increasing burdensome red tape and regulations on law-abiding, licensed retailers. And she has called for tightening restrictions on concealed carry permits.

But in what may be the capper to her long list of unconstitutional ideas opposing the legal ownership of firearms, she supported a total ban on handguns in the City of San Francisco. Yes, she wanted to make it illegal to purchase, sell, or possess a handgun in that city, a proposal that is plainly unconstitutional on its face.

Harris doesn’t only want to take your guns away and prevent you from ever owning any, she also wants to limit the places you can use them for hunting. She and President Joe Biden have announced plans for the closure of over 1.3 million acres of public lands to hunters and sport shooters.

Additionally, if they do grudgingly allow you to exercise your constitutional right to bear arms, they want to make it more difficult for you to do so recreationally. They’ve prohibited certain kinds of ammunition on public lands, and have even banned types of fishing tackle.

The differences between Harris and Trump on the issue could not be clearer.

As president, my father signed the largest public lands investment in history, supporting recreational access, protection, and preservation, and permanently conserving outdoor recreation areas for public use. Completely opposite from Harris, he opened and expanded access to more than four million acres of public lands for hunting and fishing across hundreds of national wildlife refuges and fish hatcheries.

Trump signed legislation to ensure that federal lands are open to hunting, fishing, and recreational shooting. He repealed Obama-era prohibitions on hunting and trapping, and added 49 trails to the National Recreational Trails System, spanning 1,645 miles. He reversed the Obama-era ban on traditional lead ammunition and fishing tackle on public lands and waters, and even created a Hunting and Shooting Sports Conservation Council.

And, of course, as president, my father was a staunch 2nd Amendment ally, defending it from foreign bureaucrats and petitioning the Supreme Court to overturn New York’s unconstitutional restrictions on transporting handguns outside the home (which were ultimately overturned by Trump-appointed justices).

President Trump believes all Americans have a God-given right to protect themselves and their families, and he has proven he will defend law-abiding gun owners and preserve public lands for use by sportsmen and women.

These days, people describe every election as the “most important of our lifetimes,” but the Democratic ticket is so radical – especially in their opposition to the 2nd Amendment and land use – that it is not an exaggeration to say so. 

On November 5, I urge you to vote for my father, President Donald J. Trump, as though your constitutional rights depend on it. Because they do.  

Donald J. Trump, Jr. is an avid outdoorsman and gun owner, and is the eldest child of the 45th President of the United States.

About Donald Trump Jr

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  1. As an avid, lifelong hunter and gun advocate, I am ashamed of Eastman’s for publishing such a blatant fear mongering advertisement for Trump. Take some pride in being a well respected publication while you still can. This sort of thing is what ruins the reputation of well established resources such as Eastman’s and eventually leads to their demise. Republicans, and particularly Trumpers, are not the only patriotic, gun loving, conservationists and hunters who read your publications for the great content. Please try to keep it that way.

    • Idk atleast walz hunts maybe he’s just not a golfer!

      • Walz is a liar he’s not what he appears he qill gp out o his way to destroy any thing in his path to get what he wants he’s held us in MN prisonersim puosn ho
        Es for weeks even after the covid threat was over eshut down 1000’s[of mom &pop shops throughout MN. I
        know I’m one of them. He can’t be trusted in it will be death to the US. Omg I’m in fear fir my life if they get in it will be the end of the usa .for sure. We’re all does if harros /Walz win.

    • Well said Jim , could not agree more . What a sorry disgusting read for Eastman’s to publish. Trust me , You don’t want me to hear my thoughts on a convicted 34 count felon, sexual assault conviction just to name a few and now read about trump jr BS

    • 🤣🤣🤣

    • Progressive liberals by far the biggest threat to hunting by far ! Look what they are doing in Colorado. Hunters need to vote against the most progressive ticket we have ever seen ! Hunters NEED TRUMP IN NOVEMBER!!

    • Earl DeGroot, administrator of Wyoming Sportsmen for Federal Lands Facebook page

      I agree. I’m VERY disappointed in Eastman’s. I’m going to remember this when I get the solicitation for their magazine. Trump is not only a threat to democracy, he is a threat to public lands.

  2. I support common sense gun laws along with 90% of Americans .

  3. I am 83 years old retired avid sportsman, X NRA member, hunting since I was 16. I have hunted in 90 % of the western states, and yes, Wyoming five times, on the Bridger Teton NF ,fall creek ,coburn drainages to name just a few, a hand loader and built custom personal rifles , and lastly was employed many years with the U.S. Forest Service

  4. Thanks for taking the time to comment fellas. Please refer to the addendum in italics at the top of the Op-Ed which clearly states that the Harris/Walz campaign has NOT reached out to Eastmans’ Publishing so there is no counter point to publish at this time.

    • I saw that immediately and hope that eventually they will. My point isn’t that there is only one side being presented here but that it isn’t any sort of a real argument so much as a billboard for Trump….written by his son. If you want to be taken seriously as a publication that isn’t jumping in bed with a political persona, I suggest thinking more critically about the authors and content of what you’re presenting as political information. Just my two cents.

      • Well just because Harris didn’t reach out doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have wrote this article.

      • This article is about the harris administration being against the 2nd amendment and public land acess for outdoor activities. You just dont like the article because it’s pro trump. Look at the biden/harris administration policy proposals and policies. Your letting your feelings cloud your judgment. Look at the facts. Thank you Eastman for taking a risk and stating the fact.

        • Tom, Not quite sure how to reply to your post that reflects either total ignorance of facts or just a person who refuses to accept or acknowledge the facts. Vice president, or president has not made any statements about taking away the 2nd amendment . That is BS that is being circulated by a political party and some gun enthusiast and some hunters. Common sense gun laws are supported by 90% of the American people. As for the access to public lands. National Forest , BLM are public lands. The only time they are closed is when there is a threat , for example , High Fire danger extreme, erosion, Danger to public, restrictive public activity like mining ETC. THEY ARE PUBLIC LANDS SIR !

          • Roy, An uniformed electorate is the worst kind of voter. Anyone that has not been living under a rock for the last 20 years is fully aware Kamala Harris champions the full confiscation of law-abiding US citizens guns. Only she will “own” a Glock if she had her way…..

            Liberal Democrats want an end to the 2nd Amendment!!

  5. Kevin Neil Schwinkendorf

    I already voted, “R” all the way!
    Friends don’t let friends vote democrat!
    By the way, “common sense gun measures” is nothing more than democrat code words for ever more draconian gun control edicts. We have had enough. Heller (2008), McDonald, and Bruen (2022) have ruled that the Second Amendment does not refer to a state controlled national guard, it refers to an individual citizen’s right to keep and bear arms, the Second Amendment (as incorporated into the 14th Amendment) must be respected by state and local governments (not just federal), and We the People have a Right to armed self defense outside the home. Democrats claim these Supreme Court rulings demonstrate that the Court has “gone rogue” and needs to be “packed” with leftist, activist justices who will rubber stamp anything the democrats want. Everything we as gun owners and hunters care about is on the line with this next election.

    • Kevin Neil Schwinkendorf

      In rereading my comment, I left out that the McDonald Supreme Court ruling was in 2010.

    • Schwinkendorf, Schwinkendorf , You got to be kidding ! Studly, You have been conned !! You drank the kool-Ade ! You can now officially be listed on trumps honor roll as another “TRUMPS CHUMPS”. ….”The Wind Blew and the Sh#t Flew ” ! LOL

  6. I totally agree with Jim. This is not the place for partisan political ads. Eastman’s should be ashamed for not writing their own editorial. I cancelled my subscription because i don’t read or need political advice from Eastmans. I chose Eastmans for hunting information only. I’m old enough to remember when honesty, truth and integrity mattered.

  7. I just can’t vote for a person who calls our service men and women suckers and losers, maybe you can! Shame on you for promoting such a despicable coward. Trump doesn’t know anything about hunting much less guns. I find it hard to believe you’re that uninformed or that misinformed or just that plain stupid. Do you think Traitor Tot’s heros, Putin or Kim will let you keep your guns. You’ve lost my business but more important is You’ve lost my respect.

  8. I cancelled my subscription years ago when you published “it is rumored Wyoming introduced California bighorns from Oregon into the state”. I knew they did…and so did you! I don’t need “rumors” and I don’t need political BS from Eastman’s. I’ll be cancelling my subscription for the last time.

  9. Thank you Eastmans for reminding hunters how important our vote is to protect our passion for hunting and the outdoors.
    Thus radical progressive ticket is against all conservatives, the 2nd Amendment, and has no regard for our borders. Just creating new illegal voters. I’ll be an Eastmans member for good now. TRUMP 2024

  10. William R. Messner

    Roy Wehnes, what is the definition of “common sense” gun laws? Notice you like that 90% figure also

  11. “Take the guns first, go through due process second.” – Donald J. Trump

    Trump also signed into law the ban on bump stocks (thank god for Garland v. Cargill). Funny how this article neglects that little detail. Christ, Obama was more pro-2A (guns allowed in national parks) than Trump lol. You chuds are gonna sell out our gun rights, yet again. You claim you’re for gun rights for all…until one of us starts talking about arming trans people and vulnerable minorities. Then gun control is a-okay at that point lol.


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