The Utah state legislature is eyeballing doubling all nonresident license costs in the state which will begin July 1st, 2025. This bill is expected to easily pass the House and Senate. The bill will effectively raise the price of all nonresident tags by 100% and would make Utah the most expensive state to hunt in.
A limited-entry deer tag would go from $670 to $1,340. A limited-entry elk tag would go from $1,050 to $2,100. Talk about a massive increase!
Moose, sheep, and goat tags will be $4,488!
It’s getting crazy out there folks. The point to all of this? Go hunting while you can still afford it!
The Secrets Of How To Hunt Out West! | Eastmans’ Journal Podcast Ep #68
In episode #68 of the Eastmans’ Journal Podcast, host Ike Eastman interviews Scott Reekers, the lead of Hunting Research here at Eastmans’. They discuss the current state of Western hunting, addressing issues such as drought conditions, draw odds, and the legislative agendas in states like Colorado.
Every action has a reaction. This action will only hurt the citizens of the state.
How will this hurt residents? Please explain
Kings Deer ! Kings Deer ! Happened hundreds of years ago, and we never learn – so of course happens again and to be 1000% expected ! Grandkids will only pay $12,000 for elk tag I bet ! It’s a sure way to get less hunters – at least it will keep average people out of the hunting industry- that’s positive !!!
What state are you from?
The Federal government owns 64 % of Utah
State making money from land owned by everyone
Won’t be applying anymore! Sad but it makes no sense at those prices!!!
Why is it OK for other states and not Utah? I just paid $800 for a non-resident general season deer tag in Montana. Please explain.
I have 19 elk point and 12 deer. I hate to stop applying but damn. That is out of control. Who was the genius that made thought happen?
That really sucks for you. I feel for you. That is a lot of points to burn. Utah is my home state and I am still waiting to draw an elk tag with 22 points. Some of my family members have 20-26 points and are still waiting to draw. How do these new prices compare to the states surrounding Utah? What is the reason you have been so persistent trying to draw a Utah tag?
The prices in the bill are not the prices that UDWR has to charge, they are the maximum amounts allowable but they are allowed to charge less
Utah needs to do something. This might be a start. I am 52 years old, have hunted here my whole life. The quality of deer and elk in this state are in the toilet (with the exception of 4-5 units where tags are extremely limited). When a state starts hunts in April with turkey hunts and doesn’t let up until mid-November and beyond, the game never gets a rest. There are literally tens of thousands of people in the mountains all spring, summer and fall to the point where there is 8 inches of powder on every road I drive on from over use. Something has to give.
With draw odds being so tough for most hunts, in most states; and, skyrocketing license and tag fees the future of “hunting” is questionable. One would think that this trend would be alarming to all the “hunting gear” companies whose business depends on hunters… are they just giving up as their voice is conspicuously absent.
Funny…I don’t see an increase for residents.