Wyoming’s world record deer migration is under threat. The mule deer population is dropping. Deer see more and more challenges on their migration corridors between summer and winter range. Mike Eastman has a lifetime of knowledge on mule deer and migration after sixty years of filming and hunting. Lessons learned by researchers and hunters are key to the future of these animals. The example set in the Wyoming Migration Initiative can set the path for the conservation of mule deer across the West.
Tags #myhuntstory big game hunting deer hunting Eastmans Eastmans' Hunting Journals Featured Guy Eastman Mike Eastman Mule Deer Hunting Mule deer. Public Land rifle hunting western hunting Wyoming
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When you day Wyoming was home to 1,000,000 deer, why do you assume that one million is the proper number of deer?
Is Eastmans out there pushing hard to pass the Great American Outdoor Act? Cause that act will for the first time fully fund the LWCF which is how these projects and studies will get paid for with no tax payer dollars. It’s already passed the senate and Trump will sign it. Cmon, call your reps today, it takes less than 60 seconds to say “Please support The Great American Outdoor Act (HR 7092) with no amendments”. The vote is next week, greatest public lands bill in the last 50 years!