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New Pictograph I Found In Wyoming

A few days ago I was out getting photos for my new mule deer book coming out in November. I needed photos of isolated springs that mule deer use in the arid sage country. During my hike, I came across this deep canyon.











I found a small spring in that arid desert canyon and knew it would hold a buck. In my new mule deer book, Mule Deer Hunting Tactics, I write on tactics to find those bucks in the vast expanse of the Western sage country









Looking down and across the canyon I spot this pictography. What a find










The BLM office told me they didn’t know of the site. So as it turns out, I was the first discover to them. They said that the art was around 2,000 years old and is only found in the Bighorn and Wind River Basin. My favorite is the eagle far left and the small antelope on the far right. Pretty Cool!

About Mike Eastman

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  1. Cool Mike! Checking out that old art is pretty cool and amazing that no one had reported it before. Congrats on a unique discovery.

  2. Good find Mike. The bad thing about telling the BLM is they will want to make a National Park out of the area and then charge to go there.

  3. Awesome find Mike !

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