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Former Wyoming Poacher Facing Prosecution

Former Wyoming Poacher Facing Prosecution

By Todd Helms

“In one picture, the defendant is allegedly shown posing with his name written on his chest in a poached deer’s blood.”

An unnamed former resident of Wyoming is facing poaching charges for allegedly poaching three mule deer bucks, two antelope bucks and a swift fox. The man turned himself in to Natrona County authorities when he learned of the charges levied against him. A $10,000 cash or surety bond has been set and the man is awaiting trial. The man, who is now a Colorado resident, has been brought up on wildlife crimes in that state as well. In fact, Colorado FWP informed Wyoming Game and Fish of the man’s suspected poaching in Wyoming after seizing the defendant’s phone. 

“The poachings are alleged to have taken place between October 2018 and September 2019.”

It’s unclear if the defendant ever posted pictures of the poached animals on social media but he did have the evidence in pictures on his phone. In an obvious plea for clemency the defendant claims he has “changed” since the time of the poaching, even selling all his guns. 

Hmmm, I’m calling BS! Yup, here comes the opinion part of this blog. 

While turning himself in is admirable and I truly hope his claims of “change” are true, I’ve got too many data points on my graph to believe it. Wyoming needs to continue to serve notice to prospective poachers by leveling maximum restitution in ALL poaching cases. Especially ones where the amount of disrespect for the animal’s lives is as blatant as writing your name in the blood of the animals on your chest. This is NOT an example of accidental unlawful harvest, this was intentional and highlights the worst of human behavior. 

Source Link  https://oilcity.news/crime/

About Todd Helms

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One comment

  1. He’s LYING to get a reduced sentence. Give him 10 years in a state not federal prison!

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