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Eastmans’ 2014 Western Trophy Review!

Guy-2014MDIt’s hard to believe that we are now full tilt into the 2014 hunting season. I am writing this from our EBJ Hunt Winner camp in southern Colorado in the middle of what is shaping up to be a great season. Maybe you’re reading this from camp yourself if you have cell service, or are just opening it after a trip to the high country honey hole you call home this time of year.

Early September was very good to me with the harvest of an excellent Wyoming mule deer still in velvet. Archery hunting mule deer is a challenge under the best circumstances and hunting them in the high-desert landscape makes spot and stalk makes a worthy subject to talk about around campfires for years to come.

Our EBJ hunt winner is here and is sizing up some giant bulls as I write this. Maybe one is destined to be a fan favorite on a coming episode of Eastmans’ Hunting TV.  These hunts are some of my favorite every year because one of our subscribers has the opportunity to hunt rutting bulls in Colorado – it doesn’t get much better for me. It’s even more exciting sharing the story with everyone on TV and in the journals after the trigger is pulled.

Mike and Ike are headed back to southwest Wyoming after we depart Colorado. I’m sure their friendly family mule deer hunting rivalry will fire back up as we have already seen this season on EHTV. Last year was the first time Ike managed to take a bigger buck than Mike. I don’t see Mike letting that happen again but I guess we will see.

One piece to this season remains true regardless of what species is being hunted, or the landscape where it takes place, every hunt has a story. Whether it’s one of the hunts we are a part of, or one of the many spectacular stories that come into our office from you the subscriber, hunters’ stories drive what we do. Every one of us wants to be a better hunter and sharing stories of success often inspires other hunters to reach new levels. If you have a story to share from this season be sure to read the 15 Minutes of Fame article by Jason Peak first to better understand what you’re getting into. Then, send it in to [email protected] to make sure you get the best experience when sharing your story.

See you on the trail and we hope you connect this season on the buck or bull of a lifetime!





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About Guy Eastman, Editor-In-Chief

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Following in the footsteps of his father, Guy has taken up the reins and is now at the helm of the Eastmans’ Hunting Journal and the Eastmans’ Bowhunting Journal. A fine hunter in his own right, Guy has taken several trophy animals and has become an expert in trophy hunting as well.

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