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Colorado Hunting Ban Proposal Update

Colorado Hunting Ban Proposal Update

By Robbie Kroger

It’s 2024. A new year, full of new promises, full of anticipation and resolutions for the months to come. Hopefully this year that list includes doing whatever you can to help the future of hunting in Colorado. The battleground has been set. The year is here. The push to ban or save hunting is laid out in front of us. 

If we can band together, we have a good chance of pulling off something that a lot of detractors said was impossible; defeating the ballot initiative seeking to prohibit the harvest of mountain lion, bobcat and lynx and establish a standard of “trophy hunting” that could be applied to other species and manner of take in the future. 

So where are we currently in the grand scheme of things? 

Proposed Initiative #91 is still moving forward. If you remember from the last article we put together, the word “Trophy” has been removed from the title language of the bill, and the Coloradans for Responsible Wildlife Management are still pushing against that initiative through the Title Board appeal process and it is now in the shuffle of things for the Colorado Supreme Court to read. The appeal is a written appeal, no arguments will be heard. The Supreme Court will rule yes or no on the ballot initiative. This is the last hurdle before the Proposition goes back to the Secretary of State to confirm the language and then allow the proponents (CATS) to go out and begin gaining signatures.

Since our last update, Proposed Initiative #101, has the proponents taking a different approach. They aren’t seeking an outright ban on hunting. There will be a very limited season from December 19th – January 1st, the take methods will be limited to self-tracking (i.e., no electronic collars, no hounds, no traps), and it also seeks to ban trophy hunting; if you do manage to take a cat, everything except the meat will need to be turned over to the relevant authorities. That’s right, you will not be able to keep your hide and skull. 

Proposed Initiative #101 is going through the same process that #91 went through. It needs to be approved by the Title Board, before being signed by the Secretary of State. Once again, Coloradans for Responsible Wildlife Management is challenging and appealing the Title Board for amendments and changes to the ballot title language. 

So what can you do right now? There are only two things:

  1. Push messages into your respective communities about how science based, legal, regulated hunting of mountain lions and bobcats have led to stable cat populations in Colorado for decades
  2. Lend your support through time, talent, or treasure (i.e., send money) to Coloradans for Responsible Wildlife Management (savethehuntcolorado.com/support-us/). 

The table has been set for us to fight, and we need all the help we can get.

About Jessica Baglio

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