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Aron Snyder

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Anyone that’s spent much time in the outdoor community has probably heard someone say, “He’s a 10%’er” or that “10% of the hunters kill 90% of the animals.” and with very little research you will find that in fact 10% of the hunters do kill 90% of the game. So …

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An early snowstorm was hitting the high country and my hunting partner and I were socked in as bad as you could imagine. To save weight, our choice for this trip was a tiny three-season, two-man shelter and we were seriously regretting that decision. To add insult to injury, my …

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Survival in Your Pocket

I’d like to be able to tell people that I’ve never been lost, confused, misplaced or just stuck out overnight away from my camp before but that would be a lie! If the truth were to be told, I find myself stuck out overnight a few times each year but …

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Hunting Footwear: Stiff Or Flexible

Even though your feet are what get you to where you’re going, footwear for the western hunter is often overlooked. I can understand why, as a set of boots isn’t as exciting or illustrious as a new bow, binoculars, or rifle, but again, your feet and footwear will be what …

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