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Mule Deer Buck Spread

Mule Deer bucks pinch their ears back to listen while walking or running off. They then always look wider. In the judging section of the new book I mention that you need to get a front view. Here is the front view of the buck. He has 21 or 22 inches tip to tip of ears. Now you can get a better look for judging both spread and gross score. And get away from the dreaded “ground shrinkage” Thanks all of you for the response.


Here is a closer look at the buck. I think he is between 24-25″ outside and is a 170 gross buck with his 3 inch cheater. Next year he should be pushing 180. A young buck with a baby face. Hopefully the wolves won’t get him. I have photos of him in the judging section of the book. Thanks all you for the interest!

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One comment

  1. Good analysis. Question on your measurement…When a mule deer has his ears set like you show in the picture, they are slightly elevated. When they are down I move the ear horizontal to see if the antler is outside the horn. If so, I know I probably have at least a 26″ deer. The one you have in the picture I don’t think would exceed the ear being in horizontal position but certainly is a nice buck. Like you, I think in another year or two, he will be a really exceptional buck…if he survives all the pressures on him. Cheers

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