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Gordon Eastman inducted into the Wyoming Outdoor Hall of Fame


My dad Gordon Eastman was inducted into the Wyoming Outdoor Hall of Fame. The primary purpose of the Hall of Fame is to honor those individuals who have made significant, lasting, lifetime, contributions to the conservation of Wyoming outdoor heritage. The Hall of Fame is to promote Wyoming’s rich outdoor heritage. Past inductive have been Jim Bridge, President Theodore Roosevelt, and Curt Gowdy to name a few. The Wyoming Hall of Fame inductees photo and history information are housed at the Buffalo Bill Historical Center.

About Mike Eastman

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  1. Fritzie Nitschke

    Many years ago, I lived about a quarter mile from your mom and dad when they lived outside Wilson. I spent many wonderful summers with Maria and our horses and grew very fond of your parents. I vividly remember the mounted bears in the Ranch Shops and Roundup attributed to Gordon and the wolves in the compound behind their house. Marie and I often camped in the front yard counting the stars and listening to the wolves. While I didn’t have much contact with you and your brothers, my mom and I liked Bertie very much. I think of your parents often and I cannot imagine and individual more deserving of this esteemed award than your father. I congratulate you and your family on the success you have earned through your publications and media and the quest for responsible hunting and outdoorsmanship.

  2. I never meet your father in person but was introduced to him through his films in 1886. I rented “Challenging the Northwest Territories” and “High Wild and Free” so many time the owner of the video store gave them to me when the shop was going to close. I have since bought them in DVD form as the VHS ones just plain wore out. What’s funny to think about is how some of his sayings have worked their way into our hunting trips. Such as seeing a brown spot on the side of a hill either my son or myself will use a saying he has on the northwest territories film “I glassed it knew right away it was an ELK” them we both of us crack up. What a great Outdoorsman .

  3. I saw your Dad, Gordon Eastman, at the Spokane Coliseum in the mid 1960’s. He was on stage narrating the film. The film was about hunting in the Northwest Territories. It was great! It whetted my appetite for hunting in the North. I have since made numerous hunts in the Yukon and Alaska and it started with your Dad’s film. Thank you.

  4. Cathy Bruegman

    Hi, Mike. Your Dad was my Uncle. My Mom and your Mom were stepsisters. I thought you’d be interested in what I found for sale at a Goodwill today. I have tried to contact your family to say hi, but did not get any response. I hope this finds you and your family well. Happy Trails! http://www.shopgoodwill.com/auctions/16mm-Print–Walt-Disneys-One-Day-at-Teton-Marsh-19903321.html

  5. Cathy Bruegman

    The auction had ended, but what fun it was to find a piece of your history!

  6. Daniel Perrotti

    “Jockaboo been all over da world”…… I loved that part from High,Wild and Free.

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