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2017: Our Best Year Yet?

e-news-our-best-year-1-17Every year here at Eastmans’ we say that this one went faster than the last and I hate to beat a dead horse but this year that seems to be very true. The western hunting world seems to be moving at a breakneck speed every day and the crazy part is that I think it’s only going to keep moving faster.

2016 has been a year full of challenges, growth and of course some great hunting. Our EBJ elk hunt winner harvested a great bull and you can find some great pictures and a short video on our Facebook page recapping that hunt. Our EHJ mule deer hunt winner harvested a solid buck and had a great time finding the right one. Every season I find myself looking forward to these hunts more and more and the 2016 winners did not disappoint, class acts who were a lot of fun for our crew to be around.

The MRS has continued to grow and improve and every year I learn a little more about where to apply in each state as I comb through the data. Our staff writers put together some excellent content and I am really proud of each of the contributions they have sent in, the content was some of the best I remember in recent history.

We are now kicking off 2017 with some innovative things moving forward. Many of you have received the E-News with our new digital show called “Beyond The Grid,” and the next episode will be dropping on our YouTube channel February 1. Make sure you find the Facebook and Instagram pages for this new show so you won’t miss a single episode.

We also put together our 13th digital issue and the reception has been great. Inside its pages were exclusive feature stories, exclusive gear reviews and tips and tactics to make you a better hunter. Make sure you bookmark this issue until the next time in 2017, it’s a great read in the backcountry and if you load it before you hit the trail it will be fully functional.

In 2015 Dan Turvey, Jr. and Todd Helms pitched an idea to us about starting a waterfowl publication and with that concept in mind we started to work on the idea. That has come to fruition in what we are calling “Wingmen” and I’m sure many of you hardcore waterfowlers have found us on Instagram and Facebook. With this new venture you will get informative, entertaining and above all, valuable information to help you get into the waterfowl game, enjoy the experiences and bag your limit.

To top it all off, I just got done recording a podcast with long-time Eastman staffer, Brian Barney, who is the host of our new podcast – Eastmans’ Elevated. Brian will be recording a podcast every week and you will be able to hear about what we have going on here as well as subscriber hunt stories, tips and tactics and a few stories that might just make you laugh. Seriously, for example, Ike spending the night in a tree hiding from a cow moose, you will have a good time listening.

Good luck in the draws and see you at the shows, don’t be afraid to stop by and visit! Here is to a great 2017!

About Guy Eastman, Editor-In-Chief

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Following in the footsteps of his father, Guy has taken up the reins and is now at the helm of the Eastmans’ Hunting Journal and the Eastmans’ Bowhunting Journal. A fine hunter in his own right, Guy has taken several trophy animals and has become an expert in trophy hunting as well.

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